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New drug targets for chronic cough: research you can literally sink your teeth into!
European Respiratory Journal ( IF 16.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-01 , DOI: 10.1183/13993003.01571-2017
Caroline J. Jolley , Surinder S. Birring

Cough is an essential neurally mediated reflex that has evolved to protect the upper airways from obstruction, and to expel chemical and mechanical irritants. When heightened or persistent, however, cough presents a clinically challenging source of considerable physical and psychological morbidity [1, 2]. In the USA, cough continues to be the commonest single symptom for which patients seek a medical consultation [3]. Chronic cough, defined as cough continuing for >8 weeks, is also globally prevalent and accounts for 10% of respiratory referrals to secondary care [4]. Human dental pulp stem cells and endocannabinoids: can preclinical models translate to effective antitussive drugs? http://ow.ly/RAJL30eq351



咳嗽是一种基本的神经介导的反射,它已进化为保护上呼吸道免受阻塞,并排出化学和机械刺激物。然而,当咳嗽加剧或持续时,咳嗽是一种临床上具有挑战性的身体和心理疾病的来源 [1, 2]。在美国,咳嗽仍然是患者寻求医疗咨询的最常见的单一症状 [3]。慢性咳嗽定义为咳嗽持续时间超过 8 周,在全球也很普遍,占呼吸道转诊至二级医疗机构的 10% [4]。人牙髓干细胞和内源性大麻素:临床前模型能否转化为有效的镇咳药?http://ow.ly/RAJL30eq351