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The Lower Seven-Eighths
JAMA ( IF 63.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-19 , DOI: 10.1001/jama.2017.7751
Joseph Gascho 1

I ate only one meal in a restaurant during my five-day visit to Paris in the fall of 2011: lunch at Les Deux Magots. It took an hour. Not because I am a slow eater and not because I was in awe of the ambience but because I had tic douloureux, better known as trigeminal neuralgia. I’d take a bite, and excruciating pain would shoot up above my right eye. I thinned my sandwich by removing the top piece of bread so the bite would be smaller. I found that I could best eat by taking food to my hotel room, chewing slowly and gingerly, thinned as much as possible, while lying on my back.



在2011年秋天的五天巴黎旅行中,我在一家餐厅只吃了一顿饭:在Les Deux Magots午餐。花了一个小时。不是因为我吃慢饭,不是因为我对周围环境敬畏,而是因为我患有抽动性痛风,俗称三叉神经痛。我会咬一口,剧烈的疼痛会直射到我的右眼上方。我去掉了面包的顶部,使三明治变薄了,所以咬的东西变小了。我发现最好吃些东西,方法是将食物带到酒店房间,慢慢地和小心地咀嚼,同时尽可能多地变薄,同时仰卧。
