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Death and Cardiac Arrest in U.S. Triathletes
Annals of Internal Medicine ( IF 19.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-19 , DOI: 10.7326/p17-9047

What is the problem and what is known about it so far?

Triathlon is a competitive sporting event that began in the 1970s. It combines swimming, bicycling, and running and has become popular among adult recreational athletes. Some people have questioned the safety of triathlons, especially as they grow in popularity and attract increasing numbers of recreational athletes who may have underlying, undiagnosed medical conditions or may not train adequately for the swimming part of the event.

Why did the researchers do this particular study?

To describe death and cardiac arrest among triathlon participants.

Who was studied?

Participants in U.S. triathlons from 1985 to 2016.

How was the study done?

The researchers gathered information on deaths and cardiac arrests in U.S. triathlon participants from 1985 to 2016 from various sources, including the U.S. National Registry of Sudden Death in Athletes and USA Triathlon (USAT) records. From these sources, they collected data on the characteristics of participants who died or had a cardiac arrest, the timing of the death or cardiac arrest during the race, and such factors as the air and water temperature during the race. To help estimate the proportion of participants who died or had a cardiac arrest, the researchers collected information about the number of participants who completed triathlons from USAT records of participants who completed races from 2006 to 2016. This information was not available for earlier years.

What did the researchers find?

A total of 107 sudden deaths, 13 cardiac arrests that responded to resuscitation, and 15 trauma-related deaths occurred in triathlon participants from 1985 to 2016. Of the participants who died, 85% were men and their average age was 47 years. Most sudden deaths and cardiac arrests occurred during the swimming event (90), but also happened during bicycling (7) and running (15). All trauma-related deaths occurred during bicycling. Using the data from 2006 to 2016, the researchers estimated that death or cardiac arrest occurs in about 1.74 of 100000 triathlon participants (2.4 per 100000 men and 0.74 per 100000 women). The risk was 18.6 per 100000 in men older than 60 years. The risk for death or cardiac arrest was similar in long, intermediate, and short triathlons. Autopsy information was available for 61 of the triathletes who died, 27 of whom had evidence of heart system abnormalities.

What were the limitations of the study?

Identification of deaths and cardiac arrests may be incomplete in the registry data used for this study, so the researchers may have underestimated the number of events. Also, medical history and autopsy information were not available for most of the included deaths.

What are the implications of the study?

Sudden death, cardiac arrest, and trauma-related death occur during triathlons but are infrequent. Most of the deaths occurred in middle-aged and older men during the swimming part of the race.















