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Annals for Educators - 19 September 2017
Annals of Internal Medicine ( IF 19.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-19 , DOI: 10.7326/afed201709190
Darren B. Taichman

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Clinical Practice Points

Continuous Glucose Monitoring Versus Usual Care in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Receiving Multiple Daily Insulin Injections. A Randomized Trial

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Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), which has been shown to be beneficial for adults with type 1 diabetes, has not been well-evaluated in those with type 2 diabetes receiving insulin. This randomized trial compares hemoglobin A1c reduction at 24 weeks using CGM versus usual care in adults with type 2 diabetes receiving multiple daily injections of insulin.
Use this study to:
  • Ask whether your learners have cared for patients who used CGM to manage their type 1 diabetes. What have been the challenges? Use the accompanying editorial to help frame your discussion.

  • Invite a diabetes specialist to discuss the use of CGM with your team. In whom should it be considered? Are there contraindications?

  • Is the difference between the changes in hemoglobin A1c values achieved in the trial's 2 groups clinically important? What is the difference between clinically important and statistically important? The authors discuss how many patients achieved a goal of a hemoglobin A1c level less than 7%. Why? What do your learners think is the best way to judge the performance of a diabetes intervention?

  • Should CGM be considered for the management of patients with type 2 diabetes?

  • Teach at the bedside! Is there an outpatient or inpatient who has used CGM with whom your team might discuss the experience? Did CGM improve the patient's glycemic control? At what cost (or benefit) to the patient's quality of life?

Safety and Tolerability of Maraviroc-Containing Regimens to Prevent HIV Infection in Women. A Phase 2 Randomized Trial

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Maraviroc is a candidate drug for HIV preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP), and it has especially favorable properties in women. In this prospective, randomized, multicenter study, the authors compared the safety and tolerability of 4 antiretroviral regimens in U.S. women at risk for HIV infection.
Use this study to:
  • Start a teaching session with a multiple-choice question. We've provided one below!

  • Ask your learners whether they have discussed PrEP with their patients and whether they have prescribed it. For whom is PrEP recommended?

  • What other practices should we discuss with our patients to prevent HIV infection?

  • What are the goals of phase 1, 2, 3, and 4 clinical trials? Why is this study a phase 2 trial and not a phase 3 trial?

  • What properties would your learners want to consider when choosing an agent for PrEP in women? See what the authors say in the paper's introduction.

  • On the basis of this trial, what may we conclude about the safety and efficacy of maraviroc? What is needed before this approach to PrEP would be recommended? What end points would your learners suggest be evaluated in future studies?

  • Some have expressed concern that the availability of PrEP might provide some patients with a false sense of security and thus encourage high-risk behaviors. How would your learners propose studying this concern? How would they counsel patients?

Screening for Occult Cancer in Patients With Unprovoked Venous Thromboembolism. A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Individual Patient Data

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Using data from 10 prospective studies, this meta-analysis of individual patient data examines the prevalence of occult cancer in patients with unprovoked venous thromboembolism (VTE) and whether prevalence differs in various subgroups.
Use this study to:
  • Ask your learners what “Trousseau syndrome” is.

  • What is required to designate a VTE event as “unprovoked”? What needs to be excluded? How is this done?

  • What is the risk for a subsequent cancer diagnosis among patients with unprovoked VTE? Is there a benefit to extensive testing for cancer? What did this systematic review find?

  • Why do your learners think that despite the frequency of cancer among patients with unprovoked VTE, a clear benefit has been established only for age-appropriate screening tests? What is the difference between a screening test and one performed to evaluate a symptom?

  • What should the approach to cancer screening be among patients with unprovoked VTE? Use the accompanying editorial to help frame your discussion.

Video Learning

Annals Consult Guys - Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: When to Screen? When to Follow?

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Howard and Geno (the Consult Guys) tackle the thorny issue of how to screen for an abdominal aortic aneurysm and how to follow it if it is present.
Use this feature to:
  • Take a break and watch the video.

  • Use the provided multiple-choice questions before viewing the video to check your learners' knowledge or after viewing it to see whether they were paying attention. And, log on to enter your responses to earn CME and MOC credit for yourself!

Our Health Care System

The Relationship of Health Insurance and Mortality: Is Lack of Insurance Deadly?

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An Institute of Medicine (IOM) review in 2002 concluded that lack of insurance increases mortality, but several relevant studies have since appeared. This article summarizes current evidence concerning the relationship between insurance and mortality.
Use this paper to:
  • Ask your learners whether they have seen a lack of insurance affect a patient's outcome.

  • Why do your learners think it is difficult to study the relationship between insurance status and mortality? Use Table 2, and see what the authors say in the paper's discussion.

  • In what ways might insurance reduce mortality? Are there ways in which it might increase mortality? The authors provide 2 examples in the discussion.

  • What other benefits to individuals and society might result from health insurance?

  • Do your learners think physicians should be vocal in the national debate over health insurance?

Humanism and Professionalism

On Being a Doctor: A Great Gift

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Dr. Molitor describes how he saved a patient, and how she saved him.
Use this essay to:
  • Listen to an audio recording of the essay, read by Dr. Michael LaCombe.

  • Ask your learners whether they have felt the way Dr. Molitor described feeling before he entered his patient's room. Have they ever doubted whether what they do matters?

  • Ask your learners to list the things they do for their patients. If they need help or are too modest, read the list provided in the penultimate paragraph of a recent letter to new interns. Now how do they feel?

  • Are there ways to remind ourselves of the ways in which we make a difference to help carry us through the tough times?

MKSAP 17 Question

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A 39-year-old man undergoes consultation about HIV prevention. He has a male sex partner with HIV infection. He reports they use condoms “most of the time.” He asks about other options that can reduce his risk for acquiring HIV from his partner. He is asymptomatic. Medical history is noncontributory, although he has been vaccinated for hepatitis B. He takes no medications.
On physical examination, vital signs are normal, as is the remainder of the examination.
Results of testing for HIV are negative. Testing for hepatitis B surface antigen yields negative findings, and hepatitis B surface antibody results are positive.
Which of the following is the most appropriate management?
A. Counsel that consistent condom use provides adequate protection
B. Prescribe daily combination tenofovir-emtricitabine
C. Prescribe daily combination tenofovir-emtricitabine and raltegravir
D. Prescribe daily tenofovir
Correct Answer
B. Prescribe daily combination tenofovir-emtricitabine
Educational Objective
Provide preexposure prophylaxis for HIV to a person at ongoing risk.
This patient is at risk for HIV infection because of regular sexual activity with an infected person and should be considered for preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP). Daily combination tenofovir-emtricitabine therapy is FDA approved for prevention of HIV infection in persons considered at ongoing risk for infection. Studies have shown efficacy in men who have sex with men, heterosexual couples, and injection drug users. Rates of effectiveness in prevention depend on adherence to the medication, and prophylaxis should always be accompanied by safer-sex counseling. Testing for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, and kidney function should be performed before initiation of prophylaxis and every 2 to 3 months during preventive therapy.
Reduction in viral load with antiretroviral therapy does reduce transmission of HIV, although transmission may still occur even with undetectable blood levels. Although consistent condom use can reduce the risk for HIV transmission, the addition of PrEP can further reduce rates of acquisition of HIV and should be considered in those at high risk. Such preventive therapy should be taken daily, however, and not episodically only with exposure.
Studies on which FDA approval was based used a two-drug combination of tenofovir-emtricitabine alone without additional medication. Therefore, no clear indication exists for exposing the patient to the additional cost and risk of a third drug. The three-drug regimen of combination tenofovir-emtricitabine and raltegravir is the preferred regimen for postexposure prophylaxis. Whereas tenofovir alone has shown some benefit in reducing acquisition of HIV because of concerns about resistance, combination tenofovir-emtricitabine is preferred for PrEP.
Key Point
Combination tenofovir-emtricitabine should be considered as preexposure prophylaxis to prevent HIV infection in all persons considered at ongoing risk of infection.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Interim guidance: preexposure prophylaxis for the prevention of HIV infection in men who have sex with men. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2011 Jan 28;60(3):65-8.
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连续血糖监测(CGM)已被证明对1型糖尿病成年人有益,但在接受胰岛素治疗的2型糖尿病患者中并未得到充分评估。这项随机试验比较了每天两次注射胰岛素的2型糖尿病成年人在24周时使用CGM与常规治疗相比血红蛋白A 1c降低的情况。
  • 询问您的学习者是否照顾过使用CGM治疗1型糖尿病的患者。挑战是什么?使用随附的社论来帮助您进行讨论。

  • 邀请糖尿病专家与您的团队讨论CGM的使用。应该在谁的角度考虑?有禁忌症吗?

  • 在试验的2组中实现的血红蛋白A 1c值变化之间的差异在临床上是否重要?临床上重要的和统计学上重要的有什么区别?作者讨论了有多少患者达到了血红蛋白A 1c水平低于7%的目标。为什么?您的学习者认为哪种方法是判断糖尿病干预效果的最佳方法?

  • 是否应考虑将CGM用于2型糖尿病患者的治疗?

  • 在床边教书!是否有使用过CGM的门诊或住院患者可以与您的团队讨论经验?CGM是否改善了患者的血糖控制?以何种成本(或收益)提高患者的生活质量?


  • 从选择题开始教学。我们在下面提供了一个!

  • 询问您的学习者他们是否与患者讨论过PrEP以及是否已开具处方。推荐给谁?

  • 我们应与患者讨论哪些其他措施以预防HIV感染?

  • 第1、2、3和4期临床试验的目标是什么?为什么这项研究是2期试验,而不是3期试验?

  • 在为女性选择PrEP药剂时,您的学习者想考虑哪些特性?参见作者在论文简介中所说的话。

  • 在此试验的基础上,我们可以得出关于马拉维罗克的安全性和有效性的结论吗?在推荐使用此方法来实现PrEP之前需要做什么?您的学习者建议在未来的研究中评估哪些终点?

  • 一些人担心PrEP的可获得性可能会给某些患者带来错误的安全感,从而鼓励高风险行为。您的学习者将如何建议研究此问题?他们将如何为患者提供咨询?


  • 询问您的学习者什么是“特卢梭综合症”。

  • 将VTE事件指定为“无端”需要什么?需要排除什么?这是怎么做的?

  • 未经批准的VTE患者随后进行癌症诊断的风险是什么?进行广泛的癌症检测是否有好处?这项系统评价发现了什么?

  • 为什么您的学习者认为,尽管未经批准的VTE患者中癌症的发生频率很高,但仅针对适合年龄的筛查测试才有明显的益处?筛查测试和进行症状评估的测试之间有什么区别?

  • 未经批准的VTE患者应采用哪种癌症筛查方法?使用随附的社论来帮助您进行讨论。



  • 休息一下,观看视频。

  • 在观看视频之前,请使用提供的多项选择题来检查学习者的知识,或者在观看视频后查看他们是否关注。并且,登录以输入您的回复以自己赚取CME和MOC积分!



  • 询问您的学习者他们是否已经看到缺乏保险会影响患者的治疗效果。

  • 为什么您的学习者认为很难研究保险状况与死亡率之间的关系?使用表2,看看作者在本文的讨论中怎么说。

  • 保险可以通过哪些方式降低死亡率?有没有可能增加死亡率的方法?作者在讨论中提供了2个示例。

  • 健康保险可能给个人和社会带来什么其他好处?

  • 您的学习者是否认为医师应该在关于健康保险的全国性辩论中大声疾呼?



  • 收听迈克尔·拉康姆(Michael LaCombe)博士朗读的论文录音。

  • 询问您的学习者,在Molitor博士进入患者房间之前,他们是否感觉到这种描述。他们是否曾经怀疑自己所做的事情是否重要?

  • 要求您的学习者列出他们为患者做的事情。如果他们需要帮助或太谦虚,请阅读最近给新实习生的信中倒数第二段中提供的清单。现在他们感觉如何?

  • 有什么方法可以使自己想起我们如何做出改变以帮助我们度过艰难时期?

MKSAP 17问题

疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)。临时指南:与男性发生性关系的男性,暴露前预防可预防HIV感染。MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep。2011 Jan 28; 60(3):65-8。