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A case study of air quality - Pesticides and odorous phytochemicals on Kauai, Hawaii, USA
Chemosphere ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.09.045
Jun Wang , Robert Boesch , Qing X. Li

This study was conducted after a series of incidences occurred at Waimea Canyon Middle School on Kauai, Hawaii. Some students and staff members exhibited symptoms such as throat irritation, tearing, and dizziness. These symptoms could be associated with natural causes or human activities, which include exposures to pesticides and odorous phytochemicals. At the time of the occurrences, Cleome gynandra (known locally as stinkweed) was growing in the fields near the school and might be a potential cause of the reported symptoms. This work was designed to study pesticides and phytochemicals in ambient air around Waimea Canyon Middle School in comparison with other locations on Kauai. Among many chemicals, top 29 were selected for the analysis of stinkweed-emitted chemicals in a chamber study. One out of the 29 chemicals was methyl isothiocyanate (MITC) that is a highly foul-smelling, noxious chemical at high concentrations. Approximately half of the 29 chemicals produced by stinkweed and trace amounts of five pesticides were detected in indoor and outdoor air samples collected from the passive and high volume air samplers. The average concentrations of MITC in Waimea outdoor air during daytime and nighttime were 13.1 and 5.6 ng m−3, respectively. The average concentrations of the five pesticides DDTs, HCHs, chlorpyrifos, bifenthrin, and metolachlor in Waimea outdoor air were respectively 2.5, 2.3, 35, 43, and 23 ng m−3during daytime and 2.4, 1.7, 33, 29, and 19 ng m−3 during nighttime. The concentrations of the pesticide and phytochemicals found in air on Kauai were below health concern levels.



这项研究是在夏威夷考艾岛的威美亚峡谷中学发生一系列事件之后进行的。一些学生和教职员工表现出诸如喉咙发炎,流泪和头晕等症状。这些症状可能与自然原因或人类活动有关,其中包括接触农药和有气味的植物化学物质。在发生的时候,油橄榄雌蕊(当地称为臭草)在学校附近的田地里生长,可能是所报告症状的潜在原因。与考艾岛的其他地点相比,这项工作旨在研究威美亚峡谷中学周围环境空气中的农药和植物化学物质。在许多化学药品中,通过一项室内研究分析了前29种来分析臭草排放的化学药品。在29种化学药品中,一种是异硫氰酸甲酯(MITC),它是一种高臭味,高浓度的有毒化学药品。在从被动式和高容量空气采样器收集的室内和室外空气样本中,检测到了由除草剂产生的29种化学物质中的大约一半以及痕量的五种农药。白天和晚上,威美亚室外空气中MITC的平均浓度分别为13.1和5.6 ng m-3。威美亚室外空气中五种农药滴滴涕,六氯环己烷,毒死rif,联苯菊酯和甲草胺的平均浓度在白天分别为2.5、2.3、35、43和23 ng m -3,分别为2.4、1.7、33、29和19夜间ng m -3。考艾岛空气中发现的农药和植物化学物质的浓度低于健康关注水平。