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The phenotype of the RABV glycoprotein determines cellular and global virus load in the brain and is decisive for the pace of the disease
Virology ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-08-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.virol.2017.08.019
M.A.R. Bertoune , B. Nickl , T. Krieger , L. Wohlers , G.A. Bonaterra , B. Dietzschold , E. Weihe , M. Bette

The Rabies lyssavirus glycoprotein (RABV-G) is largely responsible for the neuroinvasiveness of the virus and the induction of antiviral immune responses.

To study the effects of RABV-G we compared the G of the attenuated RABV variant SPBN with that of the pathogenic DOG4 strain. Infection via the olfactory route caused 100% mortality in mice with both virus variants. Of note, with the attenuated SPBN, progression of the disease was accelerated, microglia response less pronounced and IL-6 expression higher than in the presence of RABV-G from the pathogenic DOG4.

However, while virus spread was less extensive, viral gene expression in individual neurons was actually higher in SPBN–infected brains without causing apoptosis of infected neurons. These differences between the two variants were not observed in infected neuronal cultures indicating that the effects of RABV-G on virus spread and viral gene expression depend on factors only present in the intact brain.





