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“America’s Health First”: A Misnomer
JAMA ( IF 63.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-12 , DOI: 10.1001/jama.2017.11239
Lawrence O. Gostin 1

On July 7, Tom Price, MD, secretary of the Department of Health and H u m a n S e r v i c e s ( H H S ) , announced the appointment of Brenda Fitzgerald, MD, as the 17th director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). To this position, Dr Fitzgerald brings her experience as Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Public Health, a role in which she championed infant health and survival, tobacco control, and obesity prevention. Other significant choices of individuals to head agencies that affect the public’s health include the recent nomination of Jerome Adams, MD, MPH, as surgeon general, and reappointment of Francis Collins, MD, PhD, as National Institutes of Health director. While such choices appear to bode well for public health, how well these agencies and others will be funded for programs affecting public health both inside and outside the United States matters enormously. What has the Trump administration signaled about its intentions in its proposed budget?



7 月 7 日,美国卫生与人类服务部 (HHS) 部长、医学博士汤姆·普莱斯 (Tom Price) 宣布任命医学博士布伦达·菲茨杰拉德 (Brenda Fitzgerald) 为疾病控制与预防中心 (CDC) 第 17 任主任。Fitzgerald 博士将她作为佐治亚州公共卫生部专员的经验带到了这个职位上,她在这个职位上支持婴儿健康和生存、烟草控制和肥胖预防。其他重要的个人领导机构影响公众健康的选择包括最近提名 Jerome Adams, MD, MPH 作为外科医生,以及重新任命 Francis Collins, MD, PhD 为美国国立卫生研究院院长。虽然这些选择似乎对公共卫生来说是个好兆头,这些机构和其他机构将如何为影响美国境内外公共卫生的项目提供资金非常重要。特朗普政府在其拟议预算中表达了什么意图?