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Phase three studies of biologics for severe asthma: could do better?
European Respiratory Journal ( IF 16.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-01 , DOI: 10.1183/13993003.01108-2017
Douglas S. Robinson , Harsha H. Kariyawasam , Liam G. Heaney

It is an exciting time for those of us treating patients with severe asthma. We now have more effective ways of assessing patients, monitoring adherence, and defining airway inflammation [1–5]. Current trials should inform on the role of biomarkers in determining treatment response [6], as we move away from a one-size-fits-all approach with oral prednisolone as the best alternative available. We can now select patients for intervention with biologics. We need to reconsider how we assess biologics for severe asthma http://ow.ly/j7Mw30efCHb



对于我们这些治疗严重哮喘患者的人来说,这是一个激动人心的时刻。我们现在有更有效的方法来评估患者、监测依从性和定义气道炎症 [1-5]。当前的试验应该告知生物标志物在确定治疗反应中的作用 [6],因为我们不再采用一刀切的方法,将口服泼尼松龙作为最佳替代方案。我们现在可以选择患者进行生物制剂干预。我们需要重新考虑如何评估严重哮喘的生物制剂 http://ow.ly/j7Mw30efCHb