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In memoriam: Professor Philip H. Quanjer
European Respiratory Journal ( IF 16.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-01 , DOI: 10.1183/13993003.01660-2017
Janet Stocks , Irene Steenbruggen

![Graphic][1] A great sense of loss and sadness marked the recent death of Philip Quanjer, who passed away peacefully at his home in Nijverdal, the Netherlands on July 26, 2017 after a long and courageous battle against cancer, during which he defied all odds in order to complete the tasks he had set himself. Philip was a highly respected member of the global respiratory community, who devoted his life to understanding and describing lung health, remaining highly active in his field up to a few weeks before his death. Indeed, after “retiring” in 1997, he went on to publish a further 90 papers, an astonishing 55 of which being published during the last five years of his life. His efforts since the 1980s to improve the standard of lung function testing and develop more reliable reference values with which to interpret the results of such tests have won him international acclaim and immense respect and admiration from the global respiratory community. Such developments were essential in order to improve early detection of respiratory disease, irrespective of age, sex or ethnic background, and to clarify what factors impact negatively on lung development. Philip was born on September 12, 1936 in Pontianak (Netherlands East Indies, now Indonesia) and spent his formative years in a Japanese concentration camp (where he learnt to swim in crocodile infested rivers!) until liberation in 1945. His first two years of formal education, which did not commence until he was nine years of age, were spent in Thailand and Indonesia before his family returned to the Netherlands in 1948. Philip met the love of his life and future wife, Else Meijerink, while they were both high school students. They married in 1960, while he was still a student at Groningen University medical school (1955–1963), had four children (two sons … [1]: /embed/inline-graphic-1.gif


悼念:Philip H. Quanjer 教授

![图][1] 菲利普·康杰尔(Philip Quanjer)在与癌症进行了长期而勇敢的斗争后,于 2017 年 7 月 26 日在荷兰奈韦尔达尔的家中安详离世,在此期间,菲利普·昆杰尔(Philip Quanjer)在不久前去世,深感失落和悲伤。他不顾一切地完成他自己设定的任务。菲利普是全球呼吸界备受尊敬的成员,他毕生致力于了解和描述肺部健康,在他去世前几周仍高度活跃于他的领域。事实上,在 1997 年“退休”之后,他又发表了 90 篇论文,其中 55 篇是在他生命的最后五年发表的。自 1980 年代以来,他努力提高肺功能检测标准并开发更可靠的参考值来解释此类检测结果,为他赢得了国际赞誉以及全球呼吸界的极大尊重和钦佩。无论年龄、性别或种族背景如何,这些发展对于改善呼吸系统疾病的早期检测以及阐明哪些因素对肺发育产生负面影响至关重要。菲利普于 1936 年 9 月 12 日出生在坤甸(荷兰东印度群岛,现在的印度尼西亚),并在日本集中营度过了他的成长岁月(在那里他学会了在鳄鱼出没的河流中游泳!)直到 1945 年解放。他的前两年直到他九岁才开始接受正规教育,在 1948 年全家返回荷兰之前,他曾在泰国和印度尼西亚度过。菲利普在高中时遇到了他一生的挚爱和未来的妻子 Else Meijerink。他们于 1960 年结婚,当时他还是格罗宁根大学医学院的学生(1955-1963),有四个孩子(两个儿子...... [1]:/embed/inline-graphic-1.gif