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ROS in Cancer: The Burning Question
Trends in Molecular Medicine ( IF 13.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-04-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.molmed.2017.03.004
Iok In Christine Chio , David A. Tuveson

An unanswered question in human health is whether antioxidation prevents or promotes cancer. Antioxidation has historically been viewed as chemopreventive, but emerging evidence suggests that antioxidants may be supportive of neoplasia. We posit this contention to be rooted in the fact that ROS do not operate as one single biochemical entity, but as diverse secondary messengers in cancer cells. This cautions against therapeutic strategies to increase ROS at a global level. To leverage redox alterations towards the development of effective therapies necessitates the application of biophysical and biochemical approaches to define redox dynamics and to functionally elucidate specific oxidative modifications in cancer versus normal cells. An improved understanding of the sophisticated workings of redox biology is imperative to defeating cancer.



