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If I’m Certain, Is It True? Accuracy and Confidence in Eyewitness Memory
Psychological Science in the Public Interest ( IF 18.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-04-10 , DOI: 10.1177/1529100617699241
Elizabeth F. Loftus 1 , Rachel L. Greenspan 1

Two highly distinguished academics, John Wixted from the University of California, San Diego, and Gary Wells from Iowa State University, have come together to present a new synthesis of the literature on the relationship between the confidence of an eyewitness and the accuracy of that witness. The joining of these two forces will come as a surprise to many of us in the field who have seen them duke it out at professional meetings, and even more so to those who know that it even got personal in a widely circulated manuscript. It is a testament to the leadership at Psychological Science in the Public Interest that these two former adversaries could come together to produce a common product.



来自加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校的John Wixted和来自爱荷华州立大学的Gary Wells两位杰出的学者齐聚一堂,共同提出了关于目击者的信心与证人的准确性之间关系的新文献综述。 。这两个力量的加入将使我们这个领域的许多人感到惊讶,他们看到他们在专业会议上将其公之于众,对于那些知道它甚至广泛存在于手稿中的人来说,更是如此。出于公共利益的考虑,这两个心理学家的领导者可以证明这两个前对手可以聚在一起产生共同的产物,这证明了这一点。