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Annals for Educators - 5 September 2017
Annals of Internal Medicine ( IF 19.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-05 , DOI: 10.7326/afed201709050
Darren B. Taichman

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Clinical Practice Points

The Effects of Cannabis Among Adults With Chronic Pain and an Overview of General Harms. A Systematic Review

Benefits and Harms of Plant-Based Cannabis for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. A Systematic Review

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These systematic reviews examine available evidence about the benefits and harms of plant-based cannabis preparations for treating chronic pain and posttraumatic stress disorder in adults.
Use these reviews to:
  • Start a teaching session with a multiple-choice question. We've provided one below!

  • Ask your learners whether and for what purposes cannabis use is legal in your state. What are the laws?

  • What did these systematic reviews find with regard to the benefits and risks of use? Why do your learners think the evidence base is so weak in this area?

  • Do your learners ask their patients about cannabis use? Should they?

  • Have their patients asked them about it? If so, under what circumstances? How should your learners advise their patients? Do your learners agree with the often-heard reasoning among patients seeking help for a chronic and perhaps poorly treated condition that using cannabis “couldn't hurt”? Why or why not?

  • What more do we need to know? Use the accompanying editorial to help frame your discussion.

Prescription Opioid Use, Misuse, and Use Disorders in U.S. Adults: 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health

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Despite the continuing epidemic of opioid misuse, data about the prevalence and correlates of misuse are scarce. This study used data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health to estimate the prevalence of prescription opioid use, misuse, and use disorders among civilian, noninstitutionalized U.S. adults.
Use this study to:
  • Ask your learners to guess what percentage of U.S. adults used opioids in 2015. What percentage do they think misused them or had a use disorder?

  • How would your learners define misuse and use disorder?

  • Share the results of this national survey. Do the numbers surprise your learners? Do they think that a third of their patients have used opioids in the past year? Look at the reasons respondents gave for using opioids. Do your learners think about these reasons in their practice? Should they? Would asking patients about them be useful?

  • Teach at the bedside! Ask each of your team's patients whether they have used opioids for any reason in the past year. Where did they get them? Did you learn anything that might be helpful in the care of your patients, either during their hospitalization or in long-term follow-up?

  • The authors note that certain groups reported use more frequently. Do these groups surprise your learners? Where do the solutions lie? Use the accompanying editorial to help frame your discussion.

In the Clinic

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In the Clinic: Influenza

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Influenza affects persons of all ages and is associated with millions of medical visits, hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations, and thousands of deaths during annual winter epidemics of variable severity in the United States. Are your learners prepared?
Use this paper to:
  • Ask who should receive influenza vaccination. What vaccines are available, and how effective are they?

  • Which patients with acute febrile illness should and should not be vaccinated? What about patients with a reported egg allergy? Pregnant women?

  • How should your learners reply to a patient who declines vaccination and says, “The last time I got the flu shot, I got the flu”?

  • In whom should chemoprophylaxis with a neuraminidase inhibitor be considered? When should these agents be considered for treatment of influenza? How should these drugs be prescribed? What are the potential adverse effects? Use the information in Table 3.

  • When and how should a diagnosis of influenza be confirmed?

  • What complications of influenza should your learners be mindful of? Which patients should be hospitalized?

  • Use the multiple-choice questions to introduce topics during a teaching session. Be sure to log on and enter your responses to earn CME and MOC credit for yourself!

  • Download the teaching slides to help prepare a teaching session.

Humanism and Professionalism

Annals Graphic Medicine - Dear Doctor I

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The artist depicts a patient's surprise at and appreciation of a physician's blush during an initial medical encounter.
Use this work to:
  • Have your learners read the graphic narrative. What is their reaction?

  • What about the physician's reaction made the patient feel at ease?

  • What might we learn about situations in which we feel a bit uncomfortable and about how our reactions influence the experience of our patients? Is it always necessary for a physician to seem imperturbable?

Our Profession: Maintenance of Certification

Effect of Access to an Electronic Medical Resource on Performance Characteristics of a Certification Examination. A Randomized Controlled Trial

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Closed-book medical certification examinations have been criticized for not mimicking real-life practice, in which physicians frequently look up information to inform care. This randomized trial assessed whether allowing examinees to use an online medical information resource altered the test's ability to differentiate those who perform adequately from those who do not.
Use this study to:
  • Ask your learners if they know what they need to do in order to become and remain certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine.

  • Do your learners think high-stakes examinations should allow the use of external sources, as was tested in this study?

  • Why do your learners think maintenance of certification is controversial? What do they think should be required of physicians? Use the accompanying editorial to help frame your discussion.

Teaching Scholarship Opportunity for Chief Residents

Herbert S. Waxman Clinical Skills Center Teaching Scholarship

Chief residents who are members of ACP are eligible to apply for a Herbert S. Waxman Clinical Skills Center Teaching Scholarship. Waxman Scholars assist in teaching popular workshops under the guidance and mentorship of expert faculty at ACP's annual Internal Medicine Meeting. Workshops provide hands-on, small-group learning opportunities for clinical and procedural skills (e.g., central line placement, paracentesis, thoracentesis, and lumbar puncture). The scholarship includes the cost of meeting registration, travel, and accommodations for the ACP Internal Medicine Meeting 2018, to be held April 19–21 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
This is an opportunity to build your CV and gain valuable experience teaching a workshop.
The submission deadline for applications is September 29, 2017. Visit this page to complete your application.

MKSAP 17 Question

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A 35-year-old man is evaluated for a 2-year history of nausea and vomiting. He describes the nausea as nearly constant. Vomiting, occasionally accompanied by diarrhea, occurs for 2 to 4 days once or twice a month before resolving spontaneously. The patient reports no problems with eating in between episodes of vomiting and no abdominal pain. He also has chronic pain syndrome related to injuries from a motor vehicle accident 3 years ago. He uses medical marijuana to control the pain. Over the last 2 years, he has increased marijuana use to address his nausea and stimulate his appetite. The vomiting is severe enough to interrupt marijuana use; he notes that the vomiting subsides when he stops marijuana use or takes hot showers. In addition to marijuana 4 to 5 times daily, he takes ondansetron as needed.
On physical examination, vital signs and other findings are normal.
Upper endoscopy is normal. Duodenal biopsies are negative for celiac disease. A gastric emptying study reveals 5% retention of food at 4 hours.
According to the Rome IV criteria, which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome
B. Cyclic vomiting syndrome
C. Gastroparesis
D. Narcotic bowel syndrome
Correct Answer
A. Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome
Educational Objective
Diagnose cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome.
Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome is the most likely diagnosis in this patient. Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome is a new diagnosis in the Rome IV category of functional gastroduodenal disorders. It is defined by the presence of the following three clinical criteria: (1) episodic vomiting resembling cyclic vomiting syndrome in terms of onset, duration, and frequency; (2) presentation after prolonged, excessive cannabis use; (3) relief of vomiting episodes with sustained cessation of cannabis use. This young man's recurrent episodes of vomiting are typical of cyclic vomiting syndrome, with acute onset and short duration of vomiting. Although the characteristics of his vomiting fit a diagnosis of cyclic vomiting syndrome, his history reveals longstanding, excessive cannabis use and relief of vomiting with cessation of cannabis use. Therefore, the most likely diagnosis is cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. An effort should be made to discontinue marijuana use, but this recommendation is frequently met with resistance by patients. Tricyclic antidepressants are used in the treatment of cyclic vomiting syndrome, and similarly, a trial of a tricyclic antidepressant can be considered in patients with cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome who are unwilling to discontinue marijuana use.
This patient's gastric emptying study shows retention of 5% of gastric contents at 4 hours, which is normal. Retention of 10% or more is required to make a diagnosis of gastroparesis.
Because the patient is not taking an opioid analgesic and does not report abdominal pain, the diagnosis of narcotic bowel syndrome can be excluded.
Key Point
Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome is defined by the presence of three clinical criteria: (1) episodic vomiting resembling cyclic vomiting syndrome in terms of onset, duration, and frequency; (2) presentation after prolonged, excessive cannabis use; (3) relief of vomiting episodes with sustained cessation of cannabis use.
Stanghellini V, Chan FK, Hasler WL, Malagelada JR, Suzuki H, Tack J, et al. Gastroduodenal Disorders. Gastroenterology. 2016;150:1380-92. doi:10.1053/j.gastro.2016.02.011
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  • 从选择题开始教学。我们在下面提供了一个!

  • 询问您的学习者,在您所在的州,使用大麻是否合法以及出于什么目的是合法的。有什么法律?

  • 关于使用的好处和风险,这些系统的评估发现了什么?为什么您的学习者认为这方面的证据基础如此薄弱?

  • 您的学习者是否向患者询问大麻使用情况?应该吗

  • 他们的病人有问过他们吗?如果是这样,在什么情况下?您的学习者应如何建议患者?您的学习者是否同意在寻求帮助以使用大麻“不会造成伤害”的慢性病或治疗不佳的患者中经常听到的推理?为什么或者为什么不?

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  • 让您的学习者猜测2015年美国成年人使用阿片类药物的比例。他们认为滥用阿片类药物或有使用障碍的百分率是多少?

  • 您的学习者将如何定义滥用和使用障碍?

  • 分享这项全国性调查的结果。这些数字会让您的学习者感到惊讶吗?他们是否认为过去一年中有三分之一的患者使用过阿片类药物?查看受访者使用阿片类药物的原因。您的学习者在实践中会考虑这些原因吗?应该吗 向患者询问有关他们是否有用?

  • 在床边教书!询问您团队中的每个患者,在过去一年中他们是否出于任何原因使用了阿片类药物。他们从哪里得到的?在住院期间或长期随访中,您是否学到了对患者护理有用的任何信息?

  • 作者指出,某些团体报告使用频率更高。这些团体会让您的学习者感到惊讶吗?解决方案在哪里?使用随附的社论来帮助您进行讨论。




  • 询问谁应该接种流感疫苗。有哪些疫苗可用,效果如何?

  • 哪些急性发热性疾病患者应该也不应接种疫苗?有鸡蛋过敏报道的患者怎么办?孕妇

  • 您的学习者应如何应对拒绝接种疫苗的患者说:“上一次我得了流感疫苗,我就得了流感”?

  • 应考虑在哪些患者中使用神经氨酸酶抑制剂进行化学预防?什么时候应该考虑使用这些药物治疗流感?这些药物应如何开处方?潜在的不良影响是什么?使用表3中的信息。

  • 何时以及如何确认流感诊断?

  • 学习者应注意哪些流感并发症?哪些患者应该住院?

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  • 让您的学习者阅读图形叙述。他们的反应是什么?

  • 医师的反应如何使患者感到轻松呢?

  • 在感到有些不适的情况下,以及我们的反应如何影响患者的体验时,我们可以学到什么?是否总是有必要让医生看起来很安稳?



  • 询问您的学习者是否知道要成为美国内科委员会并保持其认证所需要做的事情。

  • 您的学习者是否认为高风险考试应该允许使用外部资源(如本研究中所测试的那样)?

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MKSAP 17问题

大麻呕吐综合征是该患者最可能的诊断。大麻呕吐综合征是Rome IV类功能性十二指肠疾病的一种新诊断。它由以下三个临床标准来定义:(1)就发作,持续时间和频率而言,类似于循环性呕吐综合征的发作性呕吐;(2)长时间,过量使用大麻后出现;(3)持续停止使用大麻以缓解呕吐发作。这个年轻人的反复呕吐发作是典型的循环性呕吐综合征,发作时间短,持续时间短。尽管他的呕吐特征适合诊断周期性呕吐综合症,但他的病史显示长期存在,过量使用大麻以及因停止使用大麻而缓解呕吐。所以,最可能的诊断是大麻素呕吐综合征。应该努力停止使用大麻,但是患者经常会遇到这种建议。三环类抗抑郁药用于治疗循环性呕吐综合征,类似地,对于不愿停止使用大麻的大麻素呕吐综合征患者,可以考虑进行三环类抗抑郁药的试验。
Stanghellini V,Chan FK,Hasler WL,Malagelada JR,Suzuki H,Tack J等。胃十二指肠疾病。肠胃病学。2016; 150:1380-92。doi:10.1053 / j.gastro.2016.02.011