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Training for Success
Circulation Research ( IF 16.5 ) Pub Date : 2017-08-18 , DOI: 10.1161/circresaha.117.311363
Robert N. Correll 1

As scientists, the decision about where to postdoc is among the most important that we will make in our professional development. Postdoctoral training, after all, is where young scientists are set loose to utilize those skills obtained during their graduate studies and create a trajectory of inquiry that will guide the early stages of their independent careers. So how does a senior graduate student or a newly-minted PhD go about picking the best postdoctoral environment? For that matter, how does one decide whether or not a postdoc is even right for them? Fortunately, the graduate school experience itself goes a long way toward informing this decision. Not only is it an important formative period that develops bench skills and teaches students how to formulate hypotheses and develop effective experimental strategies, but graduate education should also provide the young scientist with a better understanding of their own interests and what additional scientific training they require to meet their career goals. When it was time for me to find a lab in which to do my postdoctoral training, I was a senior graduate student in biochemistry at the University of Kentucky in the lab of Doug Andres. Over a period of 6 years in his laboratory, Dr Andres provided a tremendous …



作为科学家,决定在何处进行博士后工作是我们专业发展中最重要的决定之一。毕竟,在博士后培训中,年轻的科学家被放宽了,以利用在研究生学习中获得的那些技能,并创建探究轨迹,以指导他们独立职业的早期阶段。那么,高年级研究生或刚开始攻读博士学位的博士如何去选择最佳的博士后环境呢?因此,如何确定博士后是否适合他们?幸运的是,研究生院的经验本身对告知这一决定有很大帮助。这不仅是发展基准技能并教会学生如何制定假设并制定有效的实验策略的重要形成时期,但是研究生教育还应该使年轻的科学家更好地了解自己的兴趣以及实现职业目标还需要哪些额外的科学训练。当我该找一个进行博士后培训的实验室时,我是肯塔基大学道格·安德烈斯(Doug Andres)实验室的生物化学高级研究生。安德烈斯博士在实验室工作了6年,为他提供了巨大的……