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Cardiovascular Research in Germany
Circulation Research ( IF 16.5 ) Pub Date : 2017-08-18 , DOI: 10.1161/circresaha.117.311132
Gerd Heusch 1 , Thomas Eschenhagen 1 , Stefanie Dimmeler 1

### Introduction: Development of Cardiovascular Research German academic cardiovascular medicine has been traditionally rigidly separated into clinical cardiology, where the top clinicians had some early career basic science exposure but practiced exclusively clinical medicine, and classic basic science departments, that is, physiology, pharmacology, and pathology, where the chair had a cardiovascular focus. The institutional funding by the universities, which are, with few exceptions, state institutions in Germany, was sufficient to provide budget/resources for personnel, equipment and consumables to conduct basic research, and was in the range of 1 to 2 Mio € per year for such institutions. This situation has changed progressively but profoundly during the past 3 decades: almost all university clinics of cardiology now practice not only clinical cardiology but perform also basic science studies. They find it, however, increasingly difficult to recruit young physicians to a clinician scientist path of career. Basic cardiovascular science is no longer restricted to the classic university departments of physiology, pharmacology, pathology, but many chairs for experimental cardiovascular medicine under a variety of names/designations have been founded (>10 chairs in the past decade). Here, it has become extremely difficult to recruit young physicians into such basic science departments, and their personnel has now mostly a natural sciences rather than a medical background. Institutional funding for a basic cardiovascular research department has been restricted and now rarely exceeds 300 000 € to 600 000 € per year. Thus, there is an increasing pressure for competitive external funding. Along with these changes, the rigid hierarchical system of German academic medicine with a single professor and chair has become more flexible and more similar to the Anglo-American system where many professors with a different specialization coexist in the same department. Such more flexible system has in part evolved because many clinicians and researchers have …


