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Bambusicolous fungi
Fungal Diversity ( IF 20.3 ) Pub Date : 2016-05-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s13225-016-0367-8
Dong Qin Dai , Rungtiwa Phookamsak , Nalin N. Wijayawardene , Wen Jing Li , D. Jayarama Bhat , Jian Chu Xu , Joanne E. Taylor , Kevin D. Hyde , E. Chukeatirote

Fourty-three species of microfungi from bamboo are treated, including one new family, Occultibambusaceae, three new genera, Neoanthostomella, Occultibambusa and Seriascoma, 27 new species, one renamed species and 15 re-described or re-illustrated species, and four designated reference specimens are treated in this paper, the majority of which are saprobic on dead culms. To determine species identification, separate phylogenetical analyses for each group are carried out, based on molecular data from this study and sequences downloaded from GenBank. Morphologically similar species and phylogenetically close taxa are compared and discussed. In addition a list of bambusicolous fungi published since Hyde and colleagues in 2002 is provided.


