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The pressing problem of Indonesia's forest fires
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine ( IF 38.7 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/s2213-2600(17)30301-6
Talha Khan Burki

If the 2015 Indonesian fires were not the worst air pollution event of the past few decades, it is only because they were surpassed by the 1997 fires. From August to October 2015, vast swathes of Kalimantan (the Indonesian portion of Borneo), Papua, and Sumatra were enveloped in an impenetrable, toxic smoke. More than 2 million hectares are thought to have smouldered and burned on the three islands, with PM10 concentrations reaching a staggering 3500 μg/m3. Some residents inhaled PM10 concentrations in excess of 1000 μg/m3 for weeks (for comparison, the European Union stipulates that PM10 concentrations should not be higher than 50 μg/m3 for more than 35 days per year).



如果说2015年的印尼大火不是过去几十年来最严重的空气污染事件,那仅是因为1997年的大火已超过了它们。2015年8月至2015年10月,加里曼丹(婆罗洲的印度尼西亚部分),巴布亚和苏门答腊地带被难以穿透的有毒烟雾包裹着。据认为,在这三个岛上有超过200万公顷的土地被熏制和燃烧,PM10的浓度达到了3500μg/ m 3的惊人水平。一些居民连续几周吸入的PM10浓度超过1000μg/ m 3(为进行比较,欧盟规定,每年PM35的浓度不得超过50μg/ m 3)。