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Reinforcing the Links in the Chain of Survival ∗
Journal of the American College of Cardiology ( IF 21.7 ) Pub Date : 2017-08-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jacc.2017.06.060
Pier D. Lambiase

SEE PAGE 1109 O ut-of-hospital cardiac arrest affects 235,000 to 325,000 people in the United States and 275,000 in Europe each year. However, the survival rate after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, especially without neurological impairment, remains low (1–4). Every minute without cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and defibrillation reduces the chances of survival by 7% to 10%. Isovolumic left ventricular developed pressure falls by more than 50% within 30 s of the onset of total global ischemia, reaching zero by 5 min, necessitating effective defibrillation to be delivered within 5 min to significantly affect outcomes (5). To address this scenario, the American Heart Association recommended a “chain of survival” concept, consisting of the following 5 links: 1) early access to emergency medical care; 2) early CPR; 3) early defibrillation; 4) early advanced cardiac life support; and 5) expert post-resuscitation medical care (3). These links must be seamless, but there is huge variation in delivery. The emergence of public access automatic defibrillators (PADs) has made a significant impact on the first 3 links in the chain. A recent study in Japan found that the proportion of PADs in use significantly increased from 0.0% in 2005 to 41.2% in 2011 at railway stations and from 0.0% to 56.5% at sports facilities (6). Mean time from collapse to shock was 5 min among those who received shocks with PADs. Twenty-eight percent had a favorable neurological outcome at


加强生存链中的链接 ∗

参见第 1109 页 院外心脏骤停每年影响美国 235,000 至 325,000 人和欧洲 275,000 人。然而,院外心脏骤停后的存活率,尤其是在没有神经功能损害的情况下,仍然很低 (1-4)。没有心肺复苏 (CPR) 和除颤的每一分钟都会将生存机会降低 7% 到 10%。等容左心室发展压力在全面缺血开始后 30 秒内下降 50% 以上,5 分钟后达到零,需要在 5 分钟内进行有效除颤以显着影响结果 (5)。针对这种情况,美国心脏协会推荐了“生存链”概念,包括以下 5 个环节:1)及早获得紧急医疗;2) 早期心肺复苏术;3)早期除颤;4)早期高级心脏生命支持;5) 专家复苏后医疗护理 (3)。这些链接必须是无缝的,但交付方式存在巨大差异。公共接入自动除颤器(PAD)的出现对链条中的前3个环节产生了重大影响。日本最近的一项研究发现,在火车站使用 PAD 的比例从 2005 年的 0.0% 显着增加到 2011 年的 41.2%,在体育设施中从 0.0% 增加到 56.5% (6)。在接受 PAD 电击的患者中,从倒塌到电击的平均时间为 5 分钟。28% 有良好的神经学结果 公共接入自动除颤器(PAD)的出现对链条中的前3个环节产生了重大影响。日本最近的一项研究发现,在火车站使用 PAD 的比例从 2005 年的 0.0% 显着增加到 2011 年的 41.2%,在体育设施中从 0.0% 增加到 56.5% (6)。在接受 PAD 电击的患者中,从倒塌到电击的平均时间为 5 分钟。28% 有良好的神经学结果 公共接入自动除颤器(PAD)的出现对链条中的前3个环节产生了重大影响。日本最近的一项研究发现,在火车站使用 PAD 的比例从 2005 年的 0.0% 显着增加到 2011 年的 41.2%,在体育设施中从 0.0% 增加到 56.5% (6)。在接受 PAD 电击的患者中,从倒塌到电击的平均时间为 5 分钟。28% 有良好的神经学结果