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An outsider's journey in brain science
The Lancet Neurology ( IF 46.5 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-11 , DOI: 10.1016/s1474-4422(17)30248-x
Isabel Lokody

Robert Newman's Neuropolis is an ambitious attempt to provide the layman with a survival guide to current “brain science”, as he terms it. He argues that “brainless interpretations of brain science are…giving us a dehumanising and pessimistic picture of ourselves”, and that this interpretation is based less on science and more on so-called philosophical stowaways. Professionally, Newman is a comedian; his book stems from his interest in neuroscience and is based on his own research. As a self-proclaimed outsider, he presents a potentially unique insight into the field.



罗伯特·纽曼(Robert Newman)的《神经城》(Neuropolis)是一项雄心勃勃的尝试,旨在为外行人提供当前“大脑科学”的生存指南,正如他所说。他认为“对大脑科学的无脑解释正在……给我们一种对我们自己的非人性化和悲观的印象”,并且这种解释较少基于科学,而更多地基于所谓的哲学偷渡者。从职业上讲,纽曼是一位喜剧演员。他的书源于他对神经科学的兴趣,并基于他自己的研究。作为一个自称是局外人的人,他提出了对该领域的潜在独特见解。