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Forensic Estimates of Lead Release from Lead Service Lines during the Water Crisis in Flint, Michigan
Environmental Science & Technology Letters ( IF 8.9 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-21 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.estlett.7b00226
Terese M. Olson 1 , Madeleine Wax 1 , James Yonts 1 , Keith Heidecorn 1 , Sarah-Jane Haig 1 , David Yeoman 2 , Zachary Hayes 2 , Lutgarde Raskin 1 , Brian R. Ellis 1

Corrosion pipe scale samples were collected from 10 lead service lines (LSLs) in Flint, Michigan, after corrosive conditions associated with the Flint water crisis of 2014–2015 caused citywide release of lead into its drinking water. Elemental analysis of metals in the LSL scale revealed that the scale was relatively depleted of lead compared to a literature survey of LSL scale from 26 U.S. utilities. Flint LSL scale was also significantly enriched with aluminum and magnesium compared to reported literature LSL scale compositions. Using correlative associations of lead with aluminum and magnesium in Flint scale samples, and average LSL abundances of aluminum and magnesium from the literature, we estimated that at least 2.7 ± 1.5 g of lead per meter of Flint’s LSLs was released from the pipe scale during the corrosion episode. The findings provide evidence that selective dissolution of lead phosphate minerals occurred because of the absence of orthophosphate during the crisis.



在2014-2015年与弗林特水危机有关的腐蚀条件导致全市铅释放到饮用水中之后,从密歇根州弗林特市的10条铅服务线(LSL)收集了腐蚀管规模的样品。LSL量表中金属的元素分析显示,与来自26家美国公用事业公司的LSL量表的文献调查相比,该量表中的铅含量相对较低。与报道的文献LSL鳞片成分相比,火石LSL鳞片还富含铝和镁。使用文献中铅与铝和镁的铅,铝和镁之间的相关性,以及文献中铝和镁的平均LSL含量,我们估计每米Flint的LSL中至少有2.7±1.5 g铅从管道秤中释放出来。腐蚀事件。