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Cash for carbon: A randomized trial of payments for ecosystem services to reduce deforestation
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-20 , DOI: 10.1126/science.aan0568
Seema Jayachandran 1 , Joost de Laat 2 , Eric F. Lambin 3, 4 , Charlotte Y. Stanton 5 , Robin Audy 6 , Nancy E. Thomas 7

Ecosystem protection payments pay off Trees take up a lot of CO2, so one approach to reducing the rate of increase in atmospheric CO2 levels is to reduce the cutting down of trees. Jayachandran et al. evaluated a program in which forest owners in Uganda were paid to not cut down their trees. Encouragingly, payments did reduce deforestation, and owners did not compensate by cutting down trees in neighboring forests. Furthermore, even in a scenario where cutting resumed after payments ceased, the beneficial delay in CO2 release from cut trees, as quantified by the social cost of carbon, outweighed the monetary cost. Science, this issue p. 267 Satellite-based observation of Ugandan forests documents the effectiveness of paying owners to not cut down their trees. We evaluated a program of payments for ecosystem services in Uganda that offered forest-owning households annual payments of 70,000 Ugandan shillings per hectare if they conserved their forest. The program was implemented as a randomized controlled trial in 121 villages, 60 of which received the program for 2 years. The primary outcome was the change in land area covered by trees, measured by classifying high-resolution satellite imagery. We found that tree cover declined by 4.2% during the study period in treatment villages, compared to 9.1% in control villages. We found no evidence that enrollees shifted their deforestation to nearby land. We valued the delayed carbon dioxide emissions and found that this program benefit is 2.4 times as large as the program costs.



生态系统保护付款得到回报 树木吸收了大量二氧化碳,因此降低大气二氧化碳水平增加速度的一种方法是减少砍伐树木。贾亚钱德兰等人。评估了一项计划,在该计划中,乌干达的森林所有者因不砍伐树木而获得报酬。令人鼓舞的是,付款确实减少了森林砍伐,业主没有通过砍伐邻近森林的树木来补偿。此外,即使在停止付款后恢复砍伐的情况下,通过碳的社会成本量化的砍伐树木二氧化碳释放的有益延迟也超过了货币成本。科学,这个问题 p。267 对乌干达森林的卫星观测记录了支付所有者不砍伐树木的有效性。我们评估了乌干达的生态系统服务支付计划,该计划为拥有森林的家庭提供每年每公顷 70,000 乌干达先令的补贴,前提是他们保护森林。该计划作为一项随机对照试验在 121 个村庄实施,其中 60 个村庄接受了 2 年的计划。主要结果是树木覆盖的土地面积的变化,通过对高分辨率卫星图像进行分类来测量。我们发现,在研究期间,治疗村的树木覆盖率下降了 4.2%,而对照组则下降了 9.1%。我们没有发现任何证据表明登记者将他们的森林砍伐转移到附近的土地上。我们评估了延迟的二氧化碳排放量,发现该计划的收益是计划成本的 2.4 倍。如果他们保护森林,每公顷 000 乌干达先令。该计划作为一项随机对照试验在 121 个村庄实施,其中 60 个村庄接受了 2 年的计划。主要结果是树木覆盖的土地面积的变化,通过对高分辨率卫星图像进行分类来测量。我们发现,在研究期间,治疗村的树木覆盖率下降了 4.2%,而对照组则下降了 9.1%。我们没有发现任何证据表明登记者将森林砍伐转移到附近的土地上。我们评估了延迟的二氧化碳排放量,发现该计划的收益是计划成本的 2.4 倍。如果他们保护森林,每公顷 000 乌干达先令。该计划作为一项随机对照试验在 121 个村庄实施,其中 60 个村庄接受了 2 年的计划。主要结果是树木覆盖的土地面积的变化,通过对高分辨率卫星图像进行分类来测量。我们发现,在研究期间,治疗村的树木覆盖率下降了 4.2%,而对照组则下降了 9.1%。我们没有发现任何证据表明登记者将他们的森林砍伐转移到附近的土地上。我们评估了延迟的二氧化碳排放量,发现该计划的收益是计划成本的 2.4 倍。通过对高分辨率卫星图像进行分类来测量。我们发现,在研究期间,治疗村的树木覆盖率下降了 4.2%,而对照组则下降了 9.1%。我们没有发现任何证据表明登记者将他们的森林砍伐转移到附近的土地上。我们评估了延迟的二氧化碳排放量,发现该计划的收益是计划成本的 2.4 倍。通过对高分辨率卫星图像进行分类来测量。我们发现,在研究期间,治疗村的树木覆盖率下降了 4.2%,而对照组则下降了 9.1%。我们没有发现任何证据表明登记者将他们的森林砍伐转移到附近的土地上。我们评估了延迟的二氧化碳排放量,发现该计划的收益是计划成本的 2.4 倍。