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Mechanisms of Atmospherically Relevant Cluster Growth
Accounts of Chemical Research ( IF 16.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-12 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.7b00213
Bryan R. Bzdek 1 , Joseph W. DePalma 1 , Murray V. Johnston 1

Atmospheric aerosols impact global climate either directly by scattering solar radiation or indirectly by serving as cloud condensation nuclei, which influence cloud albedo and precipitation patterns. Our scientific understanding of these impacts is poor relative to that of, for instance, greenhouse gases, in part because it is difficult to predict particle number concentrations. One important pathway by which particles are added to the atmosphere is new particle formation, where gas phase precursors form molecular clusters that subsequently grow to the climatically relevant size range (50–100 nm diameter). It is predicted that up to 50% of atmospheric particles arise from this process, but the key initial chemical processes are poorly resolved. In general, a combination of inorganic and organic molecules are thought to contribute to new particle formation, but the chemical composition of molecular clusters and pathways by which they grow to larger sizes is unclear. Cluster growth is a key component of new particle formation, as it governs whether molecular clusters will become climatically relevant.



大气气溶胶通过散射太阳辐射直接影响全球气候,或者通过充当云凝结核间接影响全球气候,凝结核影响云的反照率和降水模式。相对于例如温室气体,我们对这些影响的科学理解较差,部分原因是难以预测颗粒数浓度。将颗粒添加到大气中的一个重要途径是形成新的颗粒,气相中的前体形成分子簇,这些簇随后生长到与气候相关的尺寸范围(直径50-100 nm)。据预测,多达50%的大气颗粒是由该过程产生的,但是关键的初始化学过程却难以解决。一般来说,无机和有机分子的结合被认为有助于形成新的颗粒,但是分子簇的化学组成以及它们长大的途径尚不清楚。团簇生长是新粒子形成的关键组成部分,因为它决定着分子团簇是否在气候上具有相关性。