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South Korea's nuclear U-turn draws praise and darts
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-06 , DOI: 10.1126/science.357.6346.15
Dennis Normile

Newly inaugurated South Korean President Moon Jae-in is acting on a campaign pledge to cut the country9s reliance on coal-fired power plants and reverse a long-standing policy favoring nuclear power. His administration is eying the closure of 10 older coal-fired plants and has announced that nuclear plants will be decommissioned when they reach the end of their initial operating licenses. He wants to increase the use of renewable energy from just 4.7% of the nation9s generated electricity now to 20% by 2030. He will also increase the use of natural gas as being a cleaner alternative to coal. Environmentalists welcomed the move, particularly as it will help South Korea meet its Paris agreement pledge to reduce carbon dioxide emissions 37% by 2030. But nuclear power boosters are appalled; 230 nuclear engineering faculty members issued a statement calling for reaching a social consensus before pursuing a nuclear-free energy policy.



新上任的韩国总统文在寅正在履行一项竞选承诺,即减少该国对燃煤电厂的依赖,并扭转长期以来偏向核电的政策。他的政府正在考虑关闭 10 座较旧的燃煤电厂,并宣布核电厂将在初始运营许可证到期时退役。他希望到 2030 年将可再生能源的使用从目前仅占全国发电量的 4.7% 增加到 20%。他还将增加使用天然气作为煤炭的清洁替代品。环保主义者对此举表示欢迎,特别是因为它将帮助韩国实现其在巴黎协议中的承诺,即到 2030 年将二氧化碳排放量减少 37%。