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Rapid fluorescence imaging of spinal cord following epidural administration of a nerve-highlighting fluorophore
Theranostics ( IF 12.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-04-10 , DOI: 10.7150/thno.18962
Wanguo Liu , Rui Gu , Qingsan Zhu , Chunsheng Xiao , Lanfeng Huang , Xinming Zhuang , Jingzhe Zhang , Lidi Liu , Ben Ma , Huailin Yang , Jianchao Ma , Zhipeng Hu , Chenglin Tang , Shuhua Zhao , Xuesi Chen

Iatrogenic spinal cord injury (SCI) is the most devastating complication of spine surgery, which usually results in permanent and serious disabilities of patients. Improvement of the visualization and discrimination of the spinal cord is critical for accuracy and safety during surgery; however, to date, there is no suitable technology to fulfill this clinical need. Here, we first show an efficient and rapid fluorescence imaging of the spinal cord in rabbit by epidural administration of a nerve-highlighting fluorophore, i.e. (E, E)-1,4-bis(p-aminostryl)-2-methoxy benzene (BMB). The BMB is firstly encapsulated into polymeric micelles to form a BMB-micelle (BMB-m) formulation with well-dispersion in normal saline solution. After epidural administration of BMB-m, BMB is transported by the flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and binds to the peripheral region of the white matter thus facilitating rapid staining of the spinal cord. Furthermore, this BMB imaging technology also holds great potential for visually monitoring the integrity of the spinal cord in real time and promptly identifying acute SCI during spine surgery.


