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Neonatal Heart-Enriched miR-708 Promotes Proliferation and Stress Resistance of Cardiomyocytes in Rodents
Theranostics ( IF 12.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-05-02 , DOI: 10.7150/thno.16478
Shengqiong Deng , Qian Zhao , Lixiao Zhen , Chuyi Zhang , Cuicui Liu , Guangxue Wang , Lin Zhang , Luer Bao , Ying Lu , Lingyu Meng , Jinhui Lü , Ping Yu , Xin Lin , Yuzhen Zhang , Yi-Han Chen , Huimin Fan , William C. Cho , Zhongmin Liu , Zuoren Yu

Adult heart has limited potential for regeneration after pathological injury due to the limited cell proliferation of cardiomyocytes and the quiescent status of progenitor cells. As such, induction of cell-cycle reentry of cardiomyocytes is one of the key strategies for regeneration of damaged heart. In this study, a subset of miRNAs including miR-708 were identified to be much more abundant in the embryonic and neonatal cardiomyocytes than that in adult rodents. Overexpression of miR-708 promoted cellular proliferation of H9C2 cells or primary cardiomyocytes from neonatal rats or mice in vitro. Lipid nanoparticle delivery of miR-708 promoted myocardial regeneration and heart function recovery in vivo. In addition, miR-708 protected cardiomyocytes against stress-induced apoptosis under hypoxia or isoproterenol treatments. miR-708 inhibited the expression of MAPK14, which has been demonstrated arresting the cell cycle in cardiomyocytes. The cell proliferation-promoting function of miR-708 was dependent at least partly on the expression of MAPK14. These findings strengthen the potential of applying miRNAs to reconstitute lost cardiomyocytes in injured hearts, and may provide a novel miRNA candidate for promoting heart regeneration.


