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The evolving Ebola virus host response
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2017-04-13 , DOI: 10.1126/science.356.6334.149-s
Lindsey Pujanandez

Emerging Infections Although the Ebola virus sporadically causes outbreaks in humans, there is a relative paucity of information regarding the dynamics of the immune response in patients. During the recent outbreak, a health-care worker with severe Ebola virus disease was evacuated to the NIH Clinical Center, where he received supportive care and had longitudinal blood samples drawn up to almost a year after infection. Kash et al. performed transcriptomic analyses on these blood samples. This revealed how the patient's body responded to the virus through the different phases of infection and recovery and could be compared with clinical symptoms and viral loads. These valuable data provide insights into Ebola pathogenesis and could help guide future treatments. Sci. Transl. Med. 9 , eaai9321 (2017).



新发感染 尽管埃博拉病毒偶尔会在人类中引起暴发,但关于患者免疫反应动态的信息相对较少。在最近的爆发期间,一名患有严重埃博拉病毒病的医护人员被疏散到 NIH 临床中心,在那里他接受了支持治疗,并在感染后近一年内采集了纵向血液样本。卡什等人。对这些血液样本进行了转录组学分析。这揭示了患者身体在感染和康复的不同阶段对病毒的反应,并可与临床症状和病毒载量进行比较。这些有价值的数据提供了对埃博拉发病机制的见解,并有助于指导未来的治疗。科学。翻译 医学。9、eaai9321(2017)。