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1993.9-1997.7 太原理工大学工业与民用建筑专业本科生 2000.9-2003.7 广西大学结构工程硕士研究生生 2003.9-2008.10 河海大学结构工程博士研究生 2008.10-至今 北京建筑工程学院土木与交通工程学院讲师 2011.3-今 美国科罗拉多大学访问学者




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李国华,郁银泉,顾强.钢框架内填混凝土墙结构体系有限元分析[J].四川建筑科学研究,2007,5.17~20. 李国华,申林,顾强.半刚性连接钢框架非线性有限元分析[J].武汉理工大学学报,2007,2.68~71.(EI收录) 李国华,刘光焰,顾强.考虑连接影响的半刚性钢框架非线性有限元分析[100].2006 全国钢结构学术年会论文集,2006,12,72~74. 李国华,顾强.钢结构上下顶底角钢半刚性连接极限弯矩探讨[J].武汉理工大学学报, 2006,4.48~51.(EI收录) 夏晓舟,章青,李国华等.模拟不连续介质的非连续有限元法[J].河海大学学报(自然科学版),2005,6,682~687. 李国华*,戚承志,罗健. 影响钢筋混凝土框架柱延性因素的影响[C].第2届全国工程安全与防护学术会议论文集,2010,8,878-882, 北京, 2010. 李国华*,刘栋栋,张远青,基于 FDS 温度场的大空间网架结构火灾全过程分析,2011年全国钢结构设计与施工技术学术交流会论文集,2011.08,444-447,上海,2011, 会议二等奖,大会特邀发言人 G.H.Li*. C.Z.Qi, J.Luo. Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Steel Frame with Semi-rigid Connections. 2012 International conference on vibration, structural engineering and measurement, part 2,2012,10,1199-1202, Shanghai, China, EI index. Li Guohua*, Qi Chengzhi, Liu Dongdong. Numerical Study on the Performance of Large-scale Grid Structures under Fire. 4th International Conference on Contemporary Problems in Architecture and Construction concerning Sustainable Building Industry of the Future. 2012,6,140-144, Moscow. Zeng Jie,Zhang Yuan-qing, Liu Dong-dong, Li Guo-hua*. Study on Damage Diagnosis of Steel Grid Structure after Fire. 2013 International Symposium on Intelligent Building and Fire & Safety Engineering,2013, 1, 203-207, Xi’an, China, EI index. Li Guohua*, Qi Chengzhi, Jian Luo. Research on Ultimate Moment of Top-and-seat Angle Connections in Semi-rigid Steel Frames. 3th international conference on civil engineering, architecture and building materials, 2013,05,99-103, Jinan, China, EI index. Li Guohua*, Qi Chengzhi, Jian Luo. Research on Initial Stiffness of Top-and-seat Angle Connections in Semi-rigid Steel Frames. 2013 international conference on civil, architectural and hydraulic engineering, 2013,07, 976-980, Zhuhai, China, EI index. Li Guohua*, Qi Chengzhi, Jian Luo. Finite Element modeling of RC shear wall infilled steel frame .Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Contemporary Problems in Architecture and Construction, 2013,08,158-162, Portland.
