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Assistant Professor of Chemistry. BA, 2004, Carleton College, MN, PhD 2010, University of California, Berkeley, Postdoctoral Fellow 2010-2014, California Institute of Technology, CA, Plasmonics and nanophotonics. Semiconductor nanocrystals and metallic nanoparticles. Optical simulation methods and spectroscopy. Scanning probe microscopy, electrical characterization. Solar energy and photochemistry.


Chemistry of Interfaces/Chemistry of Materials

Our research considers fundamental questions of optical energy conversion relating to plasmonic and inorganic nanoscale materials. Our experiments are principally designed to identify and optimize unique nanoscale phenomena useful for solar energy conversion, as well as related opportunities at the intersection of nanophotonics and chemistry for broad application beyond the scope solar energy. The current world record solar cell operates at 44.4% power conversion efficiency. Thermodynamic analyses indicate that much higher efficiency is theoretically possible. Indeed, technical challenges, rather than laws of nature, limit current solar power convertors from achieving the maximum thermodynamic efficiency of 95%. •We explore how nanofabricated optoelectronic and plasmonic materials can provide systematic control of the thermodynamic parameters governing optical power conversion for optimization that can shape, confine, and interconvert the energy and entropy of a radiation field. •We employ optical and electrical characterization techniques with high spatial and energy resolution to probe optical excitation and relaxation mechanisms in nanostructured metals and semiconductors.


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A. Brown, M. Sheldon, H. Atwater, "Electrochemical Tuning of the Dielectric Function of Au Nanoparticles" ACS Photonics, 2014, in review. S. Peng, M. Sheldon, H. Atwater, "Ultraviolet Surface Plasmon-Mediated Oxidation of Hydrazine as a Source for Low-Temperature Nitride Deposition." Applied Physics Letters, 2014, in review. M. Sheldon, J. van de Groep, A. Brown, A. Polman, H. Atwater, "Plasmoelectric Potentials in Metal Nanostructures." Science, 2014, accepted, in press. C. Eisler, Z. Abrams, M. Sheldon, X. Zhang, H. Atwater, "Spectral Width and Radiative Reemission Effects on Spectrum-Splitting Multiple Absorber Solar Cell Efficiency." Energy and Environmental Science 2014, 7(11), 3600–3605. C. Eisler, M. Sheldon, H. Atwater, "Enhanced Performance of Small GaAs Solar Cells via Edge and Surface Passivation with Trioctylphosphine Sulfide" Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), March 2012, Austin, TX, USA. M. Sheldon, C. Eisler, H. Atwater, "GaAs Passivation with Trioctylphosphine Sulfide for Enhanced Solar Cell Efficiency and Durability." Advanced Energy Materials 2012 vol. 2 (3) 339-344. J. Dionne, L. Sweatlock, M. Sheldon, H. Atwater, A. P. Alivisatos, "Silicon-based Plasmonics for On-Chip Photonics." Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 2010 vol. 16 (1) Featured Cover Article. M. Sheldon, P. E. Trudeau, T. Mokari, L. Wang, A. P. Alivisatos, "Enhanced Semiconductor Nanocrystal Conductance via Solution Grown Contacts." Nano Letters 2009, 9, 3676-3682 Featured in "Research Highlights" Nature 2009, 461, 149. P. E. Trudeau, M. Sheldon, V. Altoe, A. P. Alivisatos, "Electrical Contacts to Individual Colloidal Semiconductor Nanorods." Nano Letters 2008, 8, 1936-1939.
