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Professor of Chemistry. B. S., 1964, Oklahoma State University. Ph.D., 1968, Stanford University. NIH Postdoctoral Fellow, 1968-69, Harvard University. Program Director, 1985-86, National Science Foundation. Organic Chemistry. Natural Products synthesis, stereoselectivity of cyclofunctionalization reactions; stereoselective synthesis of cyclic and acyclic polyfunctional amines; enantioselective synthesis.


Chemical Education

Chemical Education Ethics in Research and Scholarship Organic Synthesis


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"Melting Point Range and Phase Diagrams - Confusing Laboratory Textbook Descriptions," K. E. Harding. J. Chem. Educ. 75 (1998) In Press. "Stereoselective Reactions of N-Acyl-N,O acetals with 2-(Trimethylsilyloxy)furan," K.E. Harding, M.T. Coleman and L.T. Liu. Tetrahedron Lett. 32 (1991) 3795. "Electrophilic Heteroatom Cyclizations" K.E. Harding and T.H. Tiner. In Comprehensive Organic Synthesis. B. Trost, Ed., Pergamon Press: London (1991). "Preparation of Acyclic N-Acyl-N,O-acetals by Decarboxylation of N-Protected Amino Acids and Studies of Asymmetric Amidoalkylation with Trimethyl Cyanide." K.E. Harding, L.T. Liu, D.G. Farrar, M.T. Coleman and S.K. Tansey. Synth. Commun. 1409 (1991). "Stereoselective Synthesis of (+/-)-Trichodiene." K.E. Harding, K.S. Clement and C.Y. Tseng. J. Org. Chem. 55 (1990) 4403. "Sequential Chirality Transfer in Intramolecular Amidomercuration Reactions." K.E. Harding, D.R. Hollingsworth and J. Reibenspies. Tetrahedron Lett. 30 (1989) 4775.
