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1987年考入北京大学化学系, 1991年获理学学士学位, 1994年获理学硕士学位, 1997年获理学博士学位, 1997年在北京大学进行博士后研究, 2000年在中科院化学所进行高访工作, 2001年回北大化学系任教


1. 分子光谱的基础研究 2. 稀土高分子复合材料和谱学和形态学研究 3. 肿瘤的光谱学研究


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Y. Z. Xu, Q. Ou Yang, J.G. Wu et al., Using fractical to solve the multiple minima problem in molecular mechanics calculation, J. Comput. Chem. 21(12), 1101-1108, 2000 N. Kang, Y-Z Xu, J-G Wu, et al., The Correlation between crystalline behavior of polyethylene segments and hydrogen bonds among carboxyl group in ethylene-acrylic acid copolymers, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2(16), 3627-3630, 2000 Yizhuang Xu, Wenxiu Sun, et al., Investigation on the interaction between polyamide and lithium salts, J. Appl. Poly. Sci. 77(12), 2685-2690, 2000 徐怡庄, 陶靖, 许振华, 翁诗甫, 徐建平, R. D. Soloway, 徐端夫, 吴瑾光, 徐光宪, 甾体与长链碳氢化合物C--H 伸缩振动行为差别及结构本质, 中国科学(B辑) 29(1), 1-7, 1999Structural basis for the discrepancy of spectral behavior in C-H stretching band between steroids and long chain hydrocarbon compounds, SCI CHINA SER B 42(2), 178-184, 1999 New cryogenic apparatus for FT-IR spectroscopic studiesNing Kang, Yizhuang Xu, et al., Applied Spectroscopy, 55(5), 643-6, 2001 Multiple forms of orthorhombic polyethylene revealed by two-dimensional FT-IR spectroscopy, N. Kang, Y-Z Xu, W-H Li, J. Mol. Struct., 562, 19-24, 2001 X. F. Ling, Y. Z. Xu, et al., Investigation of Normal and Malignant Tissue Samples from the Human Stomach Using Fourier Transform Raman Spectroscopy, Applied Spectroscopy, 56(5), 570-3, 2002.
