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1980 09-1984 07 广西大学农学院土壤农业化学分析(原广西农学院) 学士 1985 09-1988 10广西大学农学院耕作与栽培学(原广西农学院) 硕士 1997 04-2010 03 日本京都大学作物学 博士 2011 09-2012 08 美国伊利诺伊大学植物学生物系植物生理与植物生物学实验室 高级访问学者




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1 Yilin Wang, Bing Fu, Lifeng Pan, Limei Chen, Xianhui Fu, and Kunzhi Li,Overexpression of Arabidopsis Dof1, GS1 and GS2 enhanced nitrogen assimilation in transgenic tobacco grown under low-nitrogen conditions,Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 2013(accepted) 2 Yu-Ying WANG, Hui-Ni XU, Xia WU, Li-Mei CHEN 1, Kun-Zhi LI, Identification and evaluation of excess nitrate-responsive genes in celery (Apium graveolens L.) roots, Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 2013(1) (accepted) 3 X.D. Zhang, A.C. Allan, X.Q. Chen2, L. Fan2, L.M. Chen2, Q. Shu, J. Su3, K.Z. Li (2012) Coloration, anthocyanin profile and metal element content of Yunnan Red Pear (Pyrus pyrifolia), Hort. Sci. 39(4): 164–171. 4 Xu, Huini; He, Xiaozhao; Wang, Kang; Chen, Limei; Li, Kunzhi (2012) Identification of Early Nitrate Stress Response Genes in Spinach Roots by Suppression Subtractive Hybridization. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter;30, p633 5 Zhang Xiaodong;Allan AC; Yi Qiong ; Chen Limei ; Li Kunzhi; Shu Qun; Su Jun,(2011) Differential Gene Expression Analysis of Yunnan Red Pear, Pyrus Pyrifolia, During Fruit Skin Coloration, Plant molecular biology reporter, 2011, 29: 305-314 6 Nishikawa T, Kunzhi L, Inoue H, Umeda M, Hirooka H, Inamura T (2012)Yield and Nitrogen Uptake of Paddy Rice (Oryza sativa L.), and Soil Fertility in Warmer Region of Japan. Plant Prod. Sci. (in press) 7 Moritsuka N, Nishikawa T, Yamamoto S, Matsui N, Inoue H, Kunzhi L, Inamura T (2012) Physicochemical changes in soil following land use change from paddy fields to greenhouse and upland fields in the southeastern basin of Dianchi lake in Yunnan province, China. Pedosphere (in press) 8 Anzai H, Oishi K, Li K, Irbis C, Hirooka H, Inamura T, Kumagai H (2011) Dietary nitrate loads on cows in dairy farm near Lake Dian, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China. Trace Nutrients Research. Reviewed. 28:54-57 9 Kunzhi Li, Yue zhao, Qingquan Hu, Limei Chen, Yongxiong Yu. Overexpression of Citrate Synthase in Tobacco leaves enhanced the tolerance of transgenic plant to Aluminum. Plant and Cell Physiology, 2007,48:s 10 Kunzhi Li, Lifeng Pan, Yue zhao, Yan zhao, Limei Chen. Overexpression of Arabidopsis Dof1 transcription factor in tobacco improved the growth of transgenic plants under low-nitrogen conditions. Plant and Cell Physiology, 2007 11 Kun-zhi Li , Li-mei Chen Tsuyoshi Furumoto, Masahiro Tamoi, Shigeru Shigeoka , Norihito Hirai, Kazuaki Ohara, Kazufumi Yazaki and Katsura Izui,Effects of Over-expression of a Maize Bundle Sheath-specific Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase in Transgenic Tobacco on its Growth and Metabolism ,XVII International Botanical Congress,Vienna, Austria Center , 17 - 23 July 2005 12 Kunzhi Li, Tatsuhiko Shiraiwa, Tatsuya Inamura, Kazuki Saito and Takeshi Horie. 2001. Recovery of 15N-labeled ammonium by barley and maize grown on the soils with long-term application of chemical and organic fertilizer. Plant Production Science. 4 : 29-35 13 Kun-zhi Li, Tatsuya Inamura and Mikio Umeda. 2003. Growth and nitrogen uptake in paddy rice as influenced by fermentation manure liquid. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 49 (3) 463-467
