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2010年7月毕业于东北师范大学并获得博士学位。运用转录组、蛋白组学、生物化学及分子生物学技术,研究作物和极端盐生植物耐盐性形成的生理及分子机制。在PNAS, Plant and Soil、Agronomy Journal、Frontiers in Plant Science、BMC Plant Biology等国际知名杂志上以第一或通讯作者发表SCI收录论文21篇,所发表论文共被SCI他引达700余次。为Annals of Botany、PLOS ONE、Photosynthetica、Agronomy Journal等杂志审稿人。 2001年9月-2005年7月,东北师范大学 本科 2005年9月-2010年7月,东北师范大学 硕士、博士 2010年7月-2015年六月,东北师范大学 讲师 2015年6月-至今 东北师范大学,副教授 2016年10月-2017年10月,University of British Columbia,访问学者


研究内容: 1. 小麦耐盐种质筛选和创制。 2. 小麦耐盐基因的克隆和功能鉴定。 3. 小麦盐胁迫记忆产生的生物化学和分子基础。 4. 抗盐牧草耐盐性形成的生理及分子机制。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Ruili Lv, ..., Bao Liu* and Chunwu Yang*. An extracted tetraploid wheat harbouring the BBAA component of common wheat shows anomalous shikimate and sucrose metabolism. BMC Plant Biology (2019) 19:188,IF=3.9, 二区 Lei Han, Lei Han, Chaoxia Xiao, Binbin Xiao, Chunwu Yang*. Proteomic profiling sheds light on alkali tolerance of common wheat. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2019, in press. IF=2.7 Chunwu Yang,Yang Z. Zhao L., Sun F.and Liu B.*. A newly formed hexaploid wheat exhibits immediate higher tolerance to nitrogen deficiency than its parental lines. BMC Plant Biology, 2018, 18:113. IF=3.9, Long Zhao, Lei Han, .. and Chunwu Yang*. Rapid and pervasive development- and tissue-specific homeolog expression partitioning in newly formed intersubspecific rice segmental allotetraploids. BMC Genomics, 2018, 19:756. IF=3.7 Long Zhao, Zongze Yang ,Qiaobin Guo, Sun Mao, Shaoqiang LI, Fasheng Sun, Huan Wang and Chunwu Yang(杨春武)*(2017). Transcriptomic Profiling and Physiological Responses of Halophyte Kochia sieversiana Provide Insights into Salt Tolerance. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8: 1985 Chunwu Yang(杨春武), Long Zhao, Huakun Zhang, Zongze Yang, Huan Wang, Shanshan Wen, Chunyu Zhang, Sachin Rustgi*, Diter von Wettstein*, and Bao Liu* (2014). Evolution of physiological responses to salt stress in hexaploid wheat. PNAS,111:11882-11887. IF=9.8, 一区。 Chunwu Yang(杨春武), Tianyuan Zhang, Huan Wang, Na Zhao and Bao Liu*. Heritable alteration in salt-tolerance in rice induced by introgression from wild rice (Zizania latifolia). RICE, 2012.IF=3.9 Huan Wang, Meishan Zhang, Rui Guo, Decheng Shi, Bao Liu and Chunwu Yang*(杨春武). Effects of salt stress on ion balance and nitrogen metabChunyu Zhang , Ningning Wang, Yunhong Zhang, Chunwu Yang*(杨春武), and Bao Liu*. Does DNA methylation play an active role in proline accumulation in response to osmotic stress in rice (Oryza sativa)? Genetics and Molecular Research,2012, Accepted. (SCI). Huan Wang, Zhihai Wu, Jiayu Han, Wei Zheng, Chunwu Yang*(杨春武). Comparison of ion balance and nitrogen metabolism in old and young leaves of alkali-stressed rice plants. PlOS ONE, 2012, 7(5): e37817(SCI). Huan Wang, Jianaer Ahan, Zhihai Wu, Jiayu Han, Decheng Shi, Chunwu Yang*(杨春武). Alteration of nitrogen metabolism in rice variety \\\'Nipponb Weiqing Guo, Decheng Shi*. Physiological roles of organic acids in alkali-tolerance of alkali-tolerant halophyte Chloris virgata. Agronomy Journal, 2010, 102:1081-1089 . (SCI) Xiaoping Wang, Shujuan Geng, Yong-Jun Ri, Donghui Cao, Jie Liu, Decheng Shi* and Chunwu Yang*(杨春武). Physiological responses and adaptive strategies of tomato plants to salt and alkali stresses. Scientia Horticulturae, 2011, 130(1): 248-255 (SCI). Chunwu Yang, Jianna Chong, Changyou Li, Alex Huang, Changmin Kin, Decheng Shi* and Deli Wang (2007). Osmotic adjustment and ion balance traits of an alkali resistant halophyte Kochia sieversiana during adaptation to salt and alkali conditions. Plant and Soil, 294: 263-276 Yang CW. and Decheng Shi (2008). Comparative effects of salt and alkali stresses on growth, osmotic adjustment and ionic balance of an alkali-resistant halophyte Suaeda glauca (Bge.). Plant Growth Regulation, 2008, 56(2):179-190 YANG C.-W. (杨春武), ZHANG M.-L., LIU J., SHI D.-C.*, and WANG D.-L. Effects of buffer capacity on growth, photosynthesis, and solute accumulation of a glycophyte (wheat) and a halophyte (Chloris virgata). Photosynthetica, 2009, 47 (1): 55-60 (SCI, cited 7 times by Scopus) YANG C.W. (杨春武), WANG P. , LI C.Y, SHI D.C.*, WANG D.L. Comparison of effects between salt-stress and alkali-stress on the growth and photosynthesis of wheat. Photosynthetica, 2008, 46(1):107-114 (SCI, cited 33 times by Scopus). YANG C.-W. (杨春武), XU H.-H., WANG L.-L., LIU J., SHI D.-C.*, and WANG D.-L. Comparative effects of salt-stress and alkali-stress on the growth, photosynthesis, solute accumulation, and ion balance of barley plants. Photosynthetica, 2009, 47 (1): 79-86 (SCI, cited 24 times by Scopus) CHEN W., ZHOU D., GUO W., XU H., SHI D*, and YANG C*(杨春武). The effects of salt stress on the growth, photosynthesis and solute accumulation in three poplar cultivars. Photosynthetica, 2009, 3, 415-521. (SCI) Chen W., Feng C., Guo W., Shi D., and Yang C. *(杨春武). Comparative effects of osmotic, salt and alkali stress on growth, photosynthesis and osmotic adjustment of cotton plants. Photosynthetica, 2011, 3: 417-425(SCI). YANG C.W. (杨春武), LI C.Y, Liu J., Shi D.C.*, Wang D.L. Comparison of the effects of salt-stress and alkali-stress on photosynthesis and energy storage of an alkali-resistant halophyte Chloris virgata. Photosynthetica, 2008, 46(2):273-278 (SCI, cited 26 times by Scopus) Changyou Li, ,Xiaoping Wang, Jie Liu, Futai Ni, Shujuan Geng, Shufan Wang, Decheng Shi and Chunwu Yang(杨春武). Effects of soil alkalization on osmotic adjustment and ion balance in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.). Journal of Plant Nutrition, 2012, Accepted. (SCI) Wanchao Chen, Pengjuan Cui, Huaying Sun, Weiqing Guo, Chunwu Yang, Hao Jin, Bin Fang, and Decheng Shi*. Comparative effects of salt and alkali stresses on organic acid accumulation and ionic balance of seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.). Industrial Crops and Products, 2009, 30, 351-358.
