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谭磊,男、1973 年出生、山东泰安人,教授,博士生导师。2003年博士毕业,2004-2007年数学博士后, 2011年Institute of Physics CAS访问学者,2011-2012 University College London访问学者。主要从事冷原子分子物理、腔量子电动力学、量子光学、统计物理等方面的研究工作。 主持和参与国家自然科学基金6项, 博士点基金1项,甘肃省自然科学基金1项。已在Physical Review A等国际知名SCI期刊发表50余篇学术论文。主讲《热力学统计物理》、《高等统计物理》、《量子力学》等课程,获兰州大学隆基教育教学骨干奖和萃英学院优秀教师奖,参与申请了国家级精品课程《量子力学》和省级精品课程《热力学统计物理》,担任全国热力学与统计物理教学研究会副理事长。


一) 冷原子原子分子物理 1.1. 玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚(BEC); 1.2.腔冷却原子、分子理论; 1.3 光力学体系的冷却; 二) 腔量子电动力学: 2.1. 微腔量子电动力学; 2.2. 耦合腔阵列中量子相变和输运; 2.3.耦合腔阵列体系强关联系统的量子光学实现;


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1)Wang Bin, Tan Lei, Periodic modulation effect on the tunneling dynamics of Bose Josephson junction in an optical cavity. Int. J. Mod. Phys. B. 26, 1250083 (2012). 2)Lei Tan, Lian Hai, Dissipation and Excitation Transmission in Coupled Cavity Arrays: Quasi-Boson Approach. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 45, 035504 (2012). 3)Lei Tan, Yu-Qing Zhang, and Wu-Ming Liu, Quantum phase transitions for two coupled cavities with dipole-interaction atoms. Phys. Rev. A 84, 063816 (2011) 4)Ke Liu, Lei Tan, Chun-Hai Lv, and Wu-Ming Liu, Quantum phase transition in an array of coupled dissipative cavities. Phys. Rev. A 83, 063840 (2011). 5)Yu Qing Zhang, Lei Tan, Dynamical behavior of entanglement, purity and energy for two atoms in the presence of dissipation. Eur. Phys. J. D 64, 585–592 (2011). 6)Lei Tan, Li-wei Liu, Yan-fen Sun, Cooling of a Λ-type three-level atom in a high finesse optical cavity. Eur. Phys. J. D 61, 161–169 (2011). 7)Lei Tan, Li-Wei Liu, and Yu-Qing Zhang, Enhanced Cooling of a lambda-Type Three-Level Atom in a High-Finesse Optical Cavity. J. Phys. Joc. Jpn. 77, 054401(2010). 8)Yan Xu, Lei Tan, Huai-zhong Xing, Nonlinear dipole-exchange surface spin waves on ferromagnetic media, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 24, 5319–5326 (2010). 9)Liu Li-Wei, Tan Lei, Xu Yan, Optical force and friction of a V-type three-level atom in a driven high-Q cavity, J. Mod. Opt. 56, 968 (2009). 10)Lei Tan, Xiao-Fei Zang, Ju-Ping Li, Li-Wei Liu, Cai-Ying Ding, Location of spin-1 condensate magnetization in a double well potential under external field, J. Phys. Joc. Jpn. 77, 044704 (2008). 11)Lei Tan, Jin-Fang Zhang, Xiao-fei Zang, Laser cooling friction anddiffusion in three level cascade system in squeezed vacuum, J. Phys. Joc. Jpn. 75, 094301(2006). 12)Z. C. Wang, L. Tan, Dissipative force and laser cooling of a ladder-type three-level Atom, J. Phys. Joc. Jpn. 72, 2213(2003).
