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September 2021 Professor, University of Michigan, College of Literature, Science and the Arts September 2019 ​Associate Professor, University of Michigan, College of Literature, Science and the Arts September 2013 Assistant Professor, University of Michigan, College of Literature, Science and the Arts 2010 - 2013 Feodor Lynen Postdoctoral Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 2005 - 2010 Ph.D. ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland 1999 - 2004 Diploma (German Equivalent M.Sc.), Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany Corinna was born and raised in Schwaebisch Hall, Germany. As an undergraduate at the Technical University of Munich, she worked in the area of organometallic chemistry. Upon completion of her Diploma Thesis at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla in the laboratory of K.C. Nicolaou, she joined the research group of Erick M. Carreira at the ETH Zurich in Switzerland for her graduate studies. During her time in the Carreira group Corinna worked on developing novel synthetic methodologies as well as successful synthetic strategies to access Banyaside A and Microcin SF608. For her postdoctoral studies, Corinna joined the laboratory of Eric N. Jacobsen at Harvard University as a Feodor Lynen Postdoctoral Fellow to work in the field of asymmetric catalysis.


Welcome to the Schindler group at the University of Michigan. Research in our laboratory focuses on innovations in modern synthetic organic and organometallic chemistry that enable the synthesis of biologically active molecules. We are currently interested in the development of new methodologies utilizing earth abundant metals, the synthesis of natural products and the investigation into the biological activity of natural products and their analogs.


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Visible-Light-Mediated aza Paternò-Büchi Reaction of Acyclic Oximes and Alkenes for the Synthesis of Monocyclic Azetidines Emily R. Wearing, Yu-Cheng Yeh, Gianmarco G. Terrones, Seren G. Parikh, Ilia Kevlishvili, Heather J. Kulik, and Corinna S. Schindler. ChemRxiv 2023. doi: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-x76xj Fe(III)-Catalysis in Flow Enables Bimolecular Proton Transfer as an Alternative to Superelectrophiles in Carbonyl-Olefin Metathesis Ashlee J. Davis, Evan K. Ferry, Christopher P. Breen, Jianyu Zhai, Timothy F. Jamison, Jolene P. Reid, and Corinna S. Schindler. ChemRxiv 2022. Synthesis and Biological Activity of Penaresidins A and B, Penazetidine A, and Related Analogues Sean M. Burns*, Timothy J. McClure*, Seren G. Parikh*, and Corinna S. Schindler. Synthesis 2024. doi: 10.1055/s-0043-1763676 Visible-Light-Mediated Macrocyclization for the Formation of Azetine-Based Dimers Cody H. Ng, Scott L. Kim, Ilia Kevlishvili, Gianmarco G. Terrones, Emily R. Wearing, Heather J. Kulik, and Corinna S. Schindler. ACS Catal. 2024, 14 (6), 4175-4185. doi: 10.1021/acscatal.3c04518 Development of an In Situ Protocol for the Intramolecular Olefination of Oximes Troy E. Zehnder, Daniel J. Nasrallah, Jarrod L. Stanley, John J. Kiernicki, Nathaniel K. Szymczak, and Corinna S. Schindler. Organometallics 2023, 42 (6), 479-485. doi: 10.1021/acs.organomet.3c00045 Catalytic, Interrupted Carbonyl-Olefin Metathesis for the Formation of Functionalized Cyclopentadienes Christopher C. McAtee, Daniel J. Nasrallah, Ho Ryu, Michael R. Gatazka, Rory C. McAtee, Mu-Hyun Baik, and Corinna S. Schindler. ACS Catal. 2023, 13 (5), 3036-3043. doi: 10.1021/acscatal.2c05535 Lewis Acid Catalyzed Carbonyl-Olefin Metathesis (COM): A Tutorial Ashlee J. Davis, Jessica L. Gomez-Lopez, and Corinna S. Schindler. Aldrichimica ACTA 2022, 55 (2), 27-36. New Strategies for the Synthesis of 1- and 2-Azetines and Their Applications as Value-Added Building Blocks Michael R. Gatazka*, Elvis C. McFee*, Cody H. Ng*, Emily R. Wearing*, and Corinna S. Schindler. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2022, 20 (46), 9052-9068. doi: 10.1039/D2OB01812H Photochemical Strategies Enable the Synthesis of Tunable Azetidine-Based Energetic Materials Katie A. Rykaczewski, Marc R. Becker, Manasi J. Anantpur, Rosario C. Causa, Eric C. Johnson, Joshua A. Orlicki, Eric J. Bukowski, Jesse J. Sabatini, and Corinna S. Schindler. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144 (41), 19089-19096. doi: 10.1021/jacs.2c08191 Synthetic Strategies Towards the Meroterpenoids Cochlearols A and B from Ganoderma cochlear Stephen A. Chamness*, Emily F. Traficante*, Trenton R. Vogel*, and Corinna S. Schindler. Synthesis 2023, 55 (11), 1662-1670. doi: 10.1055/a-1878-7795 Hydrazone and Oxime Olefination via Ruthenium Alkylidenes Daniel J. Nasrallah, Troy E. Zehnder, Jacob R. Ludwig, Daniel C. Steigerwald, John J. Kiernicki, Nathaniel K. Szymczak, and Corinna S. Schindler. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61 (22), e202112101. doi: 10.1002/anie.202112101 Intramolecular, Visible Light-Mediated Aza Paternò-Büchi Reactions of Unactivated Alkenes Dominique E. Blackmun, Stephen A. Chamness, and Corinna S. Schindler. Org. Lett. 2022, 24 (16), 3053-3057. doi: 10.1021/acs.orglett.2c01008 Total Synthesis of (+)-Cochlearol B by an Approach Based on a Catellani Reaction and Visible-Light-Enabled [2+2] Cycloaddition Alistar D. Richardson, Trenton R. Vogel, Emily F. Traficante, Kason J. Glover, and Corinna S. Schindler. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61 (31), e202201213. doi: 10.1002/anie.202201213 Reactivity of oximes for diverse methodologies and synthetic applications Katie A. Rykaczewski*, Emily R. Wearing*, Dominique E. Blackmun, and Corinna S. Schindler. Nat. Synth. 2022, 1, 24-36. doi: 10.1038/s44160-021-00007-y Recognition of Symmetry as a Powerful Tool in Natural Product Synthesis Lara C. Álvarez, Mario A. Gaviria*, Scott L. Kim*, Trenton R. Vogel*, and Corinna S. Schindler. Synthesis. 2021, 55 (13), 1949-1960. doi: 10.1055/a-1702-5062. 1- and 2-Azetines via Visible Light-Mediated [2 + 2]-Cycloadditions of Alkynes and Oximes Emily R. Wearing, Dominique E. Blackmun, Marc R. Becker, and Corinna S. Schindler. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143 (39), 16235-16242. doi: 10.1021/jacs.1c07523 Origin of enantioselectivity reversal in Lewis acid-catalysed Michael additions relying on the same chiral source Paul S. Riehl, Alistair D. Richardson, Tatsuhiro Sakamoto, Jolene P. Reid, and Corinna S. Schindler. Chem. Sci. 2021, 12, 14133-14142. doi: 10.1039/D1SC03741B Carbonyl-Olefin Metathesis Haley Albright*, Ashlee J. Davis*, Jessica L. Gomez-Lopez*, Hannah L. Vonesh*, Phong K. Quach, Tristan H. Lambert, Corinna S. Schindler. J. Chem. Rev. 2021, 121 (15), 9359-9406. doi: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.0c01096 Converting a Two-Week Chemistry Course for High School Students to a Virtual Format During COVID Haley Albright, Corey R. J. Stephenson, Corinna S. Schindler. J. Chem. Ed. 2021, 98, 2457-2464. doi: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.1c00069 The Design of a Two-Week Organic Chemistry Course for High School Students: Catalysis, Solar Energy and Green Chemical Synthesis Haley Albright, Corey R. J. Stephenson, Corinna S. Schindler. J. Chem. Ed.2021, 98, 2449-2456. doi: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.1c00068. Total synthesis of mycocyclosin and the herqulines Corinna S. Schindler, Jonathon S. Ryan. Synthesis 2021, 53, 4178-4186. doi: 10.1055/a-1403-4312
