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学习经历 1994年,西安建筑科技大学环境工程专业获学士学位 2002年,武汉安全环保研究院环境工程专业获硕士学位 2007年,清华大学环境工程专业获博士学位 工作经历 1994年-1999年,武汉安全环保研究院,工程师 2002年-2003年,武汉天澄环保科技股份有限公司,工程师 2007年-2010年,清华大学环境科学与工程系,博士后 2010年-至今,北京航空航天大学,副教授/教授 2013年-2014年,美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校,市政与环境工程系,访问学者 获奖 2017年度中国产学研合作创新成果奖二等奖 2017年度环境保护科学技术二等奖




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主要英文文章: Xinghua Li*, Yan Xie, Chuang Li, Zihao Wang, Lianhong Zhong, Philip K. Hopke, Chunyu Xue. Using the carbon balance method based on fuel-weighted average concentrations to estimate emissions from household coal-fired heating stoves. Chemosphere,2022, 307, 135639. Xinghua Li*, Kaiqiang Yang, Zihao Wang, Yan Xie, Philip K. Hopke, Xiang Li, Chunyu Xue. Theoretical equilibration time is supported by measurement study of residence time at dilution sampling on fine particulate matter emissions from household biofuel burning. Chemosphere, 2021, 267, 129178. Xinghua Li*, Maodong Xiao, Xuezhe Xu, Jiacheng Zhou, Kaiqiang Yang, Zihao Wang, Weijun Zhang, Philip K. Hopke, and Weixiong Zhao*. Light Absorption Properties of Organic Aerosol from Wood Pyrolysis: Measurement Method Comparison and Radiative Implications. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54, 7156?7164. Tariq Mehmood, Tianle Zhu, Ishaq Ahmad, Xinghua Li*. Ambient PM2.5 and PM10 bound PAHs in Islamabad, Pakistan: Concentration, source and health risk assessment. Chemosphere, 2020, 257, 127187. Xinghua Li, Kaiqiang Yang, Junzan Han, Qi Ying, Philip K. Hopke. Sources of humic-like substances (HULIS) in PM2.5 in Beijing: Receptor modeling approach. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 671, 765–775. Xinghua Li*, Junzan Han, Philip K. Hopke, Jingnan Hu, Qi Shu, Qing Chang, and Qi Ying. Quantifying primary and secondary humic-like substances in urban aerosol based on emission source characterization and a source-oriented air quality model. Atmospheric. Chemistry Physics, 2019, 19, 2327–2341. Ying Chen, Dong Lv, Xinghua Li*, Tianle Zhu. PM2.5-bound phthalates in indoor and outdoor air in Beijing: Seasonal distributions and human exposure via inhalation. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 241:369-377. Qi Ying*, Miao Feng, Danlin Song, Li Wu, Jianlin Hu, Hongliang Zhang, Michael J. Kleeman, Xinghua Li*. Improve regional distribution and source apportionment of PM2.5 trace elements in China using inventory-observation constrained emission factors. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 624: 355–365. Ying Chen, Xinghua Li*,Tianle Zhu*, Yingjie Han, Dong Lv. PM2.5-bound PAHs in three indoor and one outdoor air in Beijing: Concentration, source and health risk assessment. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 586: 255-264. Nadezda Zíkova, Yungang Wang, Fumo Yang, Xinghua Li*, Mi Tian, Philip K. Hopke*. On the source contribution to Beijing PM2.5 concentrations. Atmospheric Environment, 2016, 134: 84-95. Xinghua Li*, Yanju Chen, Tami C. Bond. Light absorption of organic aerosol from pyrolysis of corn stalk. Atmospheric Environment, 2016, 144: 249-256. Xinghua Li, Kebin He, Chengcai Li, Fumo Yang, Qing Zhao, Yongliang Ma, Yuan Cheng, Wenjuan Ouyang, Gangcai Chen. PM2.5 mass, chemical composition, and light extinction before and during the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere, 2013, 118: 12158-12167. Xinghua Li, Wang Shuxiao, Lei Duan, Jiming Hao, Yongfeng Nie. Carbonaceous aerosol emissions from household biofuel combustion in China. Environmental Science & Technology, 2009, 43: 6076-6081. Xinghua Li, Wang Shuxiao, Lei Duan, Jiming Hao. Characterization of non-methane hydrocarbons emitted from open burning of wheat straw and corn stover in China. Environmental Research Letters, 2009, 4, 044015. Xinghua Li, Wang Shuxiao, Lei Duan, Jiming Hao, Chao Li, Yaosheng Chen, Liu Yang. Particulate and Trace Gas Emissions from Open Burning of Wheat Straw and Corn Stover in China. Environmental Science & Technology, 2007, 41, 6052-6058. 主要中文文章: 郭太伦, 肖茂栋, 张卓, 阮兵, 李兴华*. 黑碳气溶胶发生器的设计与性能测试. 环境科学学报,2021, 41(10): 4280-4287. 肖茂栋,张卓,阮兵,李兴华*.热扩散管的设计与性能测试.环境科学学报,2020, 40(9): 3204-3210. 谢岩,李兴华*,杨凯强,刘帝儒,阮兵.民用固体燃料燃烧大气污染物排放稀释采样器的研制与应用.环境科学学报,2019, 39(11): 3716-3723. 阮兵, 李兴华*, 谢岩, 王威, 李垚. PM2.5旋风切割器性能测试与模拟.环境科学学报,2018, 38(7): 2811-2817. 阮兵, 李兴华*, 谢岩, 王威, 李垚. PM1切割器性能测试系统的搭建与应用.环境科学学报,2018, 38(5): 1797-1803. 李兴华*, 曹阳, 蒋靖坤, 段雷, 邓建国, 张强, 韩军赞. 固定源PM2.5稀释采样器的研制. 环境科学学报,2015, 35( 10) : 3309-3315. 常清, 杨复沫, 李兴华*, 曹阳, 王欢博, 田密. 北京冬季雾霾天气下颗粒物及其化学组分的粒径分布特征研究, 环境科学学报, 2015, 35(2): 363-370. 蒋靖坤, 邓建国, 李振, 李兴华, 段雷, 郝吉明. 固定污染源排气中PM2.5采样方法综述, 环境科学, 2014, 35(5): 2018-2024. 李兴华, 王书肖, 郝吉明. 民用生物质燃烧挥发性有机化合物排放特征, 环境科学, 2011, 32(12): 3515-3521. 李兴华, 段雷, 易红宏, 郭兴明, 郝吉明. 固定燃烧源颗粒物稀释采样系统的研制与应用. 环境科学学报. 2008, 28(3): 458-463.
