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1. 硅基三维多孔骨架材料2. 电化学和场效应生物传感器3. 低维半导体纳米材料4. 可控导电高分子材料合成


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Wang Z, Hou ZY. Room-temperature fabrication of a three-dimensional porous silicon framework inspired by a polymer foaming process. Chem. Commun., 2017, 53, 8858-8861 Zhan, C., Pan, Y., Wang, Z., (…), He, H., Hou, Z. Ionization gas sensing mechanism of a hybrid nanostructure with carbon nanotubes and ZnO nanorods. 2013 Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical 183, pp. 81-86 Wang, Z., Hou, Z., Wang, Y. Fluorinated waterborne shape memory polyurethane urea for potential medical implant application. 2013 Journal of Applied Polymer Science 127(1), pp. 710-716 Strain glassy behavior and premartensitic transition in Au 7 Cu5 Al4 alloy 2011 Physical Review B – Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84(14), 140102 Single-walled carbon nanotube/cobalt phthalocyanine derivative hybrid material: Preparation, characterization and its gas sensing properties 2011 Journal of Materials Chemistry 21(11), pp. 3779-3787 Wang, Z., Wang, Y., Hu, N., (…), Chen, S., Zhang, Y. Polythiophene microspheres synthesized by transition metal mediated oxidative dispersion polymerization. 2010 Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry 48(22), pp. 5265-5269 Wang, Z., Wang, Y., Xu, D., Kong, E.S.-W., Zhang, Y. Facile synthesis of dispersible spherical polythiophene nanoparticles by copper(II) catalyzed oxidative polymerization in aqueous medium. 2010 Synthetic Metals 160(9-10), pp. 921-926
