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于晶,博士,副研究员。研究工作主要专注于针对重要疾病的药物靶点,进行特异靶向药效新分子的发现、分析及其作用机制的研究,以及药物递送的研究。作为第一(或共第一)或共同通讯作者,已连续在本领域的权威期刊上发表原创科研论文多篇,发表论文得到了国际同行的积极评价;同时,申请和得到授权国内外专利多项。主持国家自然科学基金、教育部、上海市科委和教委等基金等多项,参与973等重大重点项目研究。 学习工作简历: 2002.08 - 现在 上海交通大学,生命科学技术学院 2008.06 –2010.08瑞士日内瓦大学,药学系,博士后 2005.01 - 2008.05瑞士巴塞尔大学,药学系,博士 2000.07 - 2002.07沈阳药科大学/中国科学院上海生物工程研究中心,硕士 1996.09 - 2000.06沈阳药科大学/吉林大学,学士,生物技术制药(本硕六年班)


针对重要疾病的药物靶点,进行特异靶向药效新分子的发现、分析及其作用机制的研究。 生物大分子及药用小分子的药物递送研究。


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Youtian Hu#, Lu Wang#, Xu Han, Yueyang Zhou, Tonghui Zhang, Li Wang, Ting Hong, Wei Zhang, Xun-Xiang Guo, Jielin Sun, Yingxing Qi, Jing Yu*, Hong Liu*, and Fang Wu*, Discovery of a Bioactive Inhibitor with a New Scaffold for Cystathionine gamma-Lyase, Journal of medicinal chemistry, (2019) DOI: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.8b01720 • Publication Date (Web): 18 Dec 2018. (2) Li Wang#, Hao Cai#, Youtian Hu, Fan Liu, Shengshuo Huang, Yueyang Zhou, Jing Yu*, Jinyi Xu* and Fang Wu*,A pharmacological probe identifies cystathionine beta-synthase as a new negative regulator for ferroptosis, Cell death & disease, 9 (2018) 1005. (3) Jing Yu, Sachin Dubey and Yogeshvar N. Kalia*, Needle-free cutaneous delivery of living human cells by Er:YAG fractional laser ablation, Expert opinion on drug delivery, 15 (2018) 559-566. (4) Zhixue Du#, Jing Yu#, Fucai Li, Liyun Deng, Fang Wu, Xiangyi Huang, Jan Bergstrand, Jerker Widengren, Chaoqing Dong* and Jicun Ren*, In Situ Monitoring of p53 Protein and MDM2 Protein Interaction in Single Living Cells Using Single-Molecule Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Analytical chemistry, 90 (2018) 6144-6151. (5) Xiling Lei#, Jing Yu#, Qi Niu, Jianhua Liu, Patrick C. Fraering and Fang Wu*, The FDA-approved natural product dihydroergocristine reduces the production of the Alzheimer's disease amyloid-beta peptides, Scientific reports, 5 (2015) 16541. (6) Yueyang Zhou#, Jing Yu#, Xiling Lei, Jianying Wu, Qi Niu, Yixuan Zhang, Hong Liu, Philipp Christen, Heinz Gehringe and Fang Wu*, High-throughput tandem-microwell assay identifies inhibitors of the hydrogen sulfide signaling pathway, Chemical communications, 49 (2013) 11782-11784. (7) Jing Yu, Dhaval R. Kalaria, Yogeshvar N. Kalia*, Erbium:YAG fractional laser ablation for the percutaneous delivery of intact functional therapeutic antibodies, Journal of controlled release, 156 (2011) 53-59. (8) J. Yu, Y.G. Bachhav, S. Summer, A. Heinrich, T. Bragagna, C. Bohler, Y.N. Kalia*, Using controlled laser-microporation to increase transdermal delivery of prednisone, Journal of controlled release, 148 (2010) e71-73. (9) Jing Yu, Xiaomin Yu, Jianhua Liu*, A thermostable manganese-containing superoxide dismutase from pathogen Chlamydia pneumoniae, FEBS letters, 562 (2004) 22-26. (10) Fang Wu, Jing Yu, Heinz Gehringe*, Inhibitory and structural studies of novel coenzyme-substrate analogs of human histidine decarboxylase, FASEB journal, 22 (2008) 890-897. (11) Jie Ren# , Yuanyuan Zhang#, Huizi Jin, Jing Yu, Yueyang Zhou, Fang Wu* and Weidong Zhang*, Novel inhibitors of human DOPA decarboxylase extracted from Euonymus glabra Roxb, ACS chemical biology, 9 (2014) 897-903.
