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2014年—至今,上海交通大学,生命科学技术学院,研究员,博士生导师 2009年—2014年,南开大学,医学院,副教授 (独立PI) 2008年—2009年,美国 密歇根大学 安阿伯分校,生命科学研究所,博士后 2001年—2008年,美国 密歇根大学 安阿伯分校,分子细胞发育生物学系,博士 1997年—2001年,北京大学,生物化学与分子生物学系,中国经济研究中心,双学士 2012年获得自然科学基金委员会优秀青年科学基金,同年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才计划。




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Zhu J, Deng S, Lu P, Bu W, Li T, Yu L*, Xie Z*. The Ccl1-Kin28 kinase complex regulates autophagy under nitrogen starvation. J Cell Sci. 2016 Jan1;129(1):135-44. Li D, Song JZ, Shan MH, Li SP, Liu W, Li H, Zhu J, Wang Y, Lin J, Xie Z*. A fluorescent tool set for yeast Atg proteins. Autophagy. 2015 Jun 3;11(6):954-60. Li D, Song JZ, Li H, Shan MH, Liang Y, Zhu J, Xie Z*. Storage lipid synthesis is necessary for autophagy induced by nitrogen starvation. FEBS Lett. 2015 Jan 16;589(2):269-76. Chen Y, Zhou F, Zou S, Yu S, Li S, Li D, Song J, Li H, He Z, Hu B, Björn LO, Lipatova Z, Liang Y*, Xie Z*, Segev N*. A Vps21 endocytic module regulates autophagy. Mol Biol Cell. 2014 Oct 15; 25(20):3166-77. Huang WP, Shintani T, Xie Z*. Assays for autophagy I: the cvt pathway and nonselective autophagy. Methods Mol Biol. 2014; 1163:153-64. (Book Chapter) Backues SK, Chen D, Ruan J, Xie Z*, Klionsky DJ*. Estimating the size and number of autophagic bodies by electron microscopy. Autophagy. 2014 Jan 1;10(1):155-64. Zou S, Chen Y, Liu Y, Segev N, Yu S, Liu Y, Min G, Ye M, Zeng Y, Zhu X, Hong B, Björn LO, Liang Y*, Li S* and Xie Z*. Trs130 participates in autophagy through GTPases Ypt31/32 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Traffic. 2013 Feb;14(2):233-46. Yu ZQ, Ni T, Hong B, Wang HY, Jiang FJ, Zou S, Chen Y, Zheng XL, Klionsky DJ, Liang Y, Xie Z*. Dual Roles of Atg8−PE Deconjugation by Atg4 in Autophagy. Autophagy. 2012 Jun;8(6):883-92. Yang J, Zhao Y, Ma K, Jiang FJ, Liao W, Zhang P, Zhou J, Tu B, Wang L, Kampinga HH, Xie Z*, Zhu WG*. Deficiency of hepatocystin induces autophagy through an mTOR-dependent pathway. Autophagy. 2011 Jul;7(7):748-59. ) Xie Z, Nair U, Geng J, Szefler MB, Rothman ED, Klionsky DJ. Indirect estimation of the area density of Atg8 on the phagophore. Autophagy. 2009 Feb;5(2):217-20. Xie Z, Nair U, Klionsky DJ. Dissecting autophagosome formation: the missing pieces. Autophagy. 2008 Oct 1;4(7):920-2. Xie Z, Nair U, Klionsky DJ. Atg8 controls phagophore expansion during autophagosome formation. Mol Biol Cell. 2008 Aug;19(8):3290-8. Xie Z, Klionsky DJ. Autophagosome formation: core machinery and adaptations. Nat Cell Biol. 2007 Oct;9(10):1102-9. Review.
