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社会任职 上海生物医学工程学会第七届口腔生物医学专委会•委员 中国食品药品监督管理局医疗器械技术审评咨询专家 中国生物材料学会骨修复材料与器械分会•委员 中国医疗器械行业协会3D打印医疗器械专业委会•专家委员会专家 中华口腔医学会口腔材料专委会•委员 中华医促会骨科生物材料分委会•委员 上海市硅酸盐学会第十届理事会无机生物与环保材料专委会•委员 中国医药生物技术协会3D打印分会•常委 中国医药教育协会医用生物材料与技术专业委员会•委员 The Open Biomedical Engineering Journal • 副主编 上海市口腔医学会第三届理事会•理事 中华口腔医学会口腔基础医学专委会•委员 上海市实验动物标准化技术委员会•委员 上海市口腔医学会口腔生物材料专委会•委员 Frontiers in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine • Editor Board Member 上海市口腔医学会口腔基础医学专委会•常委 中国机械工程学会生物制造工程分会•委员 RSC Advances • 副主编(2015-2017) 中国生物材料青年委员会•委员




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Hui Wang,# Chucheng Lin,# Xinran Zhang, Kaili Lin* (通讯作者), Xudong Wang*, Steve Guofang Shen* Mussel inspired polydopamine coating: a general strategy to enhance osteogenic differentiation and osseointegration for diverse implants ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019 11(7):7615-7625. Kaili Lin#, Dawei Zhang#, Maria Helena Macedo, Wenguo Cui*, Bruno Sarmento*, Guofang Shen* Advanced collagen-based biomaterials for regenerative biomedicine Advanced Functional Materials 2019 29:1804943. Jinkai Zhang, Wenhui Zhou, Hui Wang, Kaili Lin* (通讯作者), Fengshan Chen* 3D-printed surface promoting osteogenic differentiation and angiogenetic factor expression of BMSCs on Ti6Al4V implants and early osseointegration in vivo Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2019 35:336-343. Panyu Zhou, Jianghong Wu, Yan Xia, Ye Yuan, Hongyue Zhang, Shuogui Xu, Kaili Lin (通讯作者) Loading BMP-2 on nanostructured hydroxyapatite microspheres for rapid bone regeneration International Journal of Nanomedicine 2018 2018;13:4083-4092. Dawei Zhang, Xiaowei Wu, Jingdi Chen, Kaili Lin (通讯作者) The development of collagen based composite scaffolds for bone regeneration Bioactive Materials 2018 2018;3:129-138. Hui Wang, Xinran Zhang, Haicheng Wang, Jinkai Zhang, Changshun Ruan, Rui Zhu, Kaili Lin (通讯作者) Enhancing the Osteogenic Differentiation and Rapid Osseointegration of 3D Printed Ti6Al4V Implants via Nano-topographic Modification Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 2018 2018;14:707-715. Xinran Zhang, Haotian Li, Chucheng Lin, Congqin Ning, Kaili Lin (通讯作者) The synergistic effects of micro-pattern and strontium ion doping on the osteogenic differentiation of bone marrow stromal cells through the ERK1/2 and p38 MAPK signaling pathway Biomaterials Science 2018 2018;6:418-430. Xiaojing Guo, Silong Wei, Mengmeng Lu, Zhengwei Shao, Jiayu Lu, Lunguo Xia, Kaili Lin (通讯作者), Derong Zou RNA-Seq investigation and in vivo study of the effect of strontium ranelate on ovariectomized rat via the involvement of ROCK1 Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology 2018 https://doi.org/10.1080/21691401.2018.1433188. Wenjun Sun, Yuning Zhou, Xinran Zhang, Wei Xia, Yuanjin Xu, Kaili Lin (通讯作者) Fabricating of injectable nano-structured silicon containing hydroxyapatite microspheres with enhanced osteogenic differentiation and angiogenic factor expression for carriers Ceramics International 2018 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2018.08.040 Lunguo Xia, Youtao Xie, Bing Fang, Xiuhui Wang, Kaili Lin (通讯作者) In situ Modulation of Crystallinity and Nano-structures to Enhance the Stability and Osseointegration of Hydroxyapatite Coatings on Ti-6Al-4V Implants Chemical Engineering Journal 2018 2018;347: 711-720. Xiaowei Wu, Shang Zheng, Yuanzhou Ye, Yuchen Wu, Kaili Lin (通讯作者), Jiansheng Su Enhanced osteogenic di?erentiation and bone regeneration of poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) by graphene via activation of PI3K/Akt/GSK3β/β-catenin signal circuit Biomaterials Science 2018 2018;6:1147-1158. Wenhui Zhou, Jinkai Zhang, Kaili Lin (通讯作者), Fengshan Chen Comparison between mandibular and femur derived bone marrow stromal cells: osteogenic and angiogenic potentials in vitro and bone repairing ability in vivo RSC Advances 2017 2017;7:56220-56228. Xiaowei Wu, Shinn-Jyh Ding, Kaili Lin (通讯作者), Jiansheng Su A Review on the biocompatibility and potential applications of graphene in inducing cell differentiation and tissue regeneration Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2017 2017;5:3084-3102. Ling-Yan Meng, Bin Wang, Ming-Guo Ma, Kaili Lin (通讯作者) The progress of microwave-assisted hydrothermal method in the synthesis of functional nanomaterials Materials Today Chemistry 2016 2016;1-2:63-83. Cancan Zhao, Lunguo Xia, Dong Zhai, Bing Fang, Jiang Chang, Kaili Lin (通讯作者) Designing the ordered micropatterned hydroxyapatite bioceramics to promote the growth and osteogenic differentiation of bone marrow stromal cells Journal of Materials Chemistry. B 2015 2015;3:968-976. Xiaohong Wang, Yao Sun, Kaili Lin (通讯作者) Facile Synthesis of Dental Enamel-like Hydroxyapatite Nanorod Arrays via Hydrothermal Transformation of Hillebrandite Nanobelts Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2015 2015;3:7334-7339. Zhilan Yin, Xiaoya Wang, Xiuhui Wang, Na Zhang, Lei Chen, Haiyun Qu, Jiang Chang, Zhongming Ren, Kaili Lin (通讯作者) Facile Synthesis of Element-substituted Hydroxyapatite Whiskers using α-tricalcium Phosphate as Precursors International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 2015 2015;12(5):1000-1007. Kaili Lin (通讯作者), Chengtie Wu, Jiang Chang Advances in synthesis of calcium phosphate crystals with controlled size and shape Acta Biomaterialia 2014 2014;10:4071-4102. Lunguo Xia, Kaili Lin (共同第一作者), Zhiyuan Zhang, Xinquan Jiang, Jiang Chang Enhanced osteogenesis through nano-structured surface design of macroporous hydroxyapatite bioceramic scaffolds via activation of ERK and p38 MAPK signaling pathways Journal of Materials Chemistry. B 2013 2013;1(40):5403-5416. Kaili Lin, Peiyi Liu, Weibin Zhang, Li Wei, Zhaoyong Zou, Ying Qian, Yuhui Shen, Jiang Chang Mesoporous strontium substituted hydroxyapatite microspheres: surfactant-free hydrothermal synthesis, enhanced biological response and sustained drug releas Chemical Engineering Journal 2013 2013;222:49-59. Kaili Lin, Peiyi Liu, Weibin Zhang, Li Wei, Zhaoyong Zou, Ying Qian, Yuhui Shen, Jiang Chang Mesoporous strontium substituted hydroxyapatite microspheres: surfactant-free hydrothermal synthesis, enhanced biological response and sustained drug release Chemical Engineering Journal 2013 2013;222:49-59. Kaili Lin, Wei Yuan, Lu Wang, Lei Chen, Jianxi Lu, Zhen Wang, Jiang Chang Evaluation of host inflammatory responses of β-tricalcium phosphate bioceramics caused by calcium pyrophosphate impurity using a subcutaneous mode Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Part B-Applied Biomaterials 2011 2011;99B(2):350-358. Kaili Lin (通讯作者), Jiang Chang, Xiaoguo Liu, Lei Chen, Yanling Zhou Synthesis of the element-substituted hydroxyapatite with controllable morphologies and chemical compositions using calcium silicate as precursor CrystEngComm 2011 2011;13(15):4850-4855. Kaili Lin (通讯作者), Jiayong Pan, Yiwei Chen, Rongming Cheng, Xuecheng Xu Study the adsorption of phenol from aqueous solution on hydroxyapatite nanopowders Journal of Hazardous Materials 2009 2009;161:231-240. Songfeng Xu, Kaili Lin (共同第一作者), Yunyu Hu, Zhen Wang, Jiang Chang, Lin Wang, Jianxi Lu, Congqin Ning Reconstruction of calvarial defect of rabbits using porous calcium silicate bioactive ceramics Biomaterials 2008 2008;29(17):2588-2596.
