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教育经历 2002/9 - 2007/8,中国科学院物理研究所,凝聚态物理,理学博士, 导师:高鸿钧院士 1998/9 - 2002/7,中国科技大学,理论物理,理学学士 工作经历 2017/1 - 至今, 北京理工大学,物理学院,特别研究员 2015/3 - 2016/12, 北京理工大学,物理学院,副研究员 2014/11 - 2015/2, 中国科学院物理研究所, 纳米与器件物理实验室,访问学者 2011/10 - 2014/10,美国特拉华大学,化学与分子生物工程系(Dion G. Vlachos 研究组),博士后研究员 2008/10 - 2011/4, 丹麦技术大学,物理系,原子结构设计中心 (Jens K. Norskov 课题组),博士后 2007/8 - 2008/9,德国马普学会柏林Fritz-Haber研究所(Matthias Scheffler 课题组),博士后 学术成就 在Nature Chem.、Nature Commun.、Phys. Rev. Lett.、ACS Catal.、PRB、JPC系列、PCCP等期刊上发表论文共70余篇,h-index为22 (截止2022年)。在包括美国化学工程师协会年会、美国工业与应用数学学会、China Nano等国际重要学术会议上作报告5次,担任多个国内外期刊的审稿人。主持自然科学基金2项,北理工全链条科技创新专项1项,参与科技部重大专项1项




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Guo, W.; Vlachos, D. G., “Patched bimetallic surfaces are active catalysts for ammonia decomposition”, Nature Communications 6, 8619 (2015). Sutton, J. E.; Guo, W.; Katsoulakis, M. A.; Vlachos, D. G., “Effect of Correlations and Uncertainty of Electronic Structure Calculations in Model Predictions of Chemical Kinetics”, Nature Chemistry 8 (4), 331-337 (2016). Wei, H.; Wu, H.; Huang, K.; Ge, B.(*).; Ma, J.; Lang, J.; Zu, D.; Lei, M.; Yao, Y.; Guo, W.(*); Wu, H.(*), “Ultralow-temperature photochemical synthesis of atomically dispersed Pt catalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction”, Chemical Science 10 (9), 2830-2836 (2019). Huang, K.; Wang, R.; Wu, H.; Wang, H.; He, X.; Wei, H.; Wang, S.; Zhang, R.; Lei, M.(*); Guo, W.(*); Ge, B.(*); Wu, H.(*), “Direct immobilization of an atomically dispersed Pt catalyst by suppressing heterogeneous nucleation at ?40 °C”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 7 (45), 25779-25784 (2019). Huang, K.; Zhao, Z.; Du, H.; Du, P.; Wang, H.; Wang, R.; Lin, S.; Wei, H.; Long, Y.; Lei, M.(*); Guo, W.(*); Wu, H.(*), “Rapid Thermal Annealing toward High-Quality 2D Cobalt Fluoride Oxide as an Advanced Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalyst”, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 8 (18), 6905-6913 (2020). Chen, Z.; Wu, H.; Li, J.; Wang, Y.; Guo, W.(*); Cao, C.; Chen, Z.(*), “Defect enhanced CoP/Reduced graphene oxide electrocatalytic hydrogen production with pt-like activity”, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 265, 118576 (2020). Wu, H.; Sutton, J. E.; Guo, W.(*); Vlachos, D. G.(*), “Volcano Curves for In-Silico Prediction of Mono- and Bi-Functional Catalysts: Application to Ammonia Decomposition”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (44), 27097-27104 (2019). Sun, C.; Zhang, W.; Lu, Y.; Wang, F.; Guo, W.(*); Zhang, T.; Yao, Y., “Trends of the Macroscopic Behaviors of Energetic Compounds: Insights from First-Principles Calculations”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21, 24034-24041 (2019). Tao, L.(#); Guo, W.(#); Zhang, Y.-Y.; Zhang, Y.-F.; Sun, J.; Du, S.; Pantelides, S. T., “Quantum nutcracker for near-room-temperature H2 dissociation”, Science Bulletin 64, 4-7 (2019). Guo, W.; Stamatakis, M.; Vlachos, D. G., “Design principles of heteroepitaxial bimetallic catalysts”, ACS Catalysis 134 (24), 244509 (2013). Ji, Y.; Guo, W.; Chen, H.; Zhang, L.; Chen, S.; Hua, M.; Long, Y.; Chen, Z., “Surface Ti3+ / Ti4+ Redox Shuttle Enhancing Photocatalytic H2 Production in Ultrathin TiO2 Nanosheets/CdSe Quantum Dots”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (48), 27053-27059 (2015). Guo, W.; Vlachos, D. G., “On Factors Controlling Activity of Submonolayer Bimetallic Catalysts: Nitrogen Desorption”, The Journal of Chemical Physics 140 (1), 014703. (2014). Falsig, H.; Shen, J.; Khan, T. S.; Guo, W. Jones, G.; Dahl, S.; Bligaard, T., “On the structure sensitivity of direct NO decomposition over low-index transition metal facets”, Topics in Catalysis 57 (1-4), 80-88.(2014). Guo, W. Vlachos, D. G, “Effect of local metal microstructure on adsorption on bimetallic surfaces: Atomic nitrogen on Ni/Pt (111)”, The Journal of Chemical Physics 138 (17), 174702 (2013). Vojvodic, A.; Calle-Vallejo, F.; Guo, W.; Wang, S.; Toftelund, A.; Studt, F.; Martinez, J. I.; Shen, J.; Man, I. C.; Rossmeisl, J. ; Bligaard, T.; Norskov, J. K.; Abild-Pedersen, F., “On the behavior of Br?nsted-Evans-Polanyi relations for transition metal oxides”, The Journal of Chemical Physics 134 (24), 244509 (2011). Guo, W.; Hu, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Du, S.; Gao, H.-J., “Transport properties of boron nanotubes investigated by ab initio calculation”, Chinese Physics B. 18 (6), 2502 (2009). Guo, W.; Du, S.; Zhang, Y.; Hofer, W.; Seidel, C.; Chi, L.; Fuchs, H. .; Gao, H.-J., “Electrostatic field effect on molecular structures at metal surfaces”, Surface Science 603 (17), 2815-2819 (2009). Gao, L.; Ji, W.; Hu, Y.; Cheng, Z.; Deng, Z.; Liu, Q.; Jiang, N.; Lin, X.; Guo, W.; Du, S. X.; Hofer, W. A.; Xie, X. C.; Gao, H.-J., “Site-specific Kondo effect at ambient temperatures in iron-based molecules”, Physical Review Letters. 99 (10), 106402 (2007). Lin, X.; He, X.; Yang, T.; Guo, W.; Shi, D.; Gao, H.-J.; Ma, D.; Lee, S.; Liu, F.; Xie, X., “Intrinsic current-voltage properties of nanowires with four-probe scanning tunneling microscopy: A conductance transition of ZnO nanowire”, Applied Physics Letters. 89 (4), 043103 (2006).
