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学习经历 2001.09 – 2005.07 本科 中国农业大学生物学院 生物学 2005.09 – 2011.07 博士 北京生命科学研究所植物学 中国农业大学生物学院 主要工作经历与任职情况: 2017.11 – 现在  研究员武汉大学生命科学学院 2014.01 – 2017.10高级研究助理 John Innes Centre 2011.11 – 2014.01博士后John Innes Centre


开花时间的调节机制:在适当的时间开花是植物完成生活史的关键步骤,并且开花时间对农业生产有重要意义,我们以拟南芥和水稻作为模式植物,研究开花时间调控的表观遗传学机制,尤其是PRC2复合体和FLC anti-sense控制FLC表达的表观遗传学调控机制。  PRC2调节水稻发育的机制:现有的研究证明,PRC2复合体调节了水稻的开花时间、株高、分蘖的发育、穗形等产量相关的形状,但具体的靶标基因和调节机制还需要进一步的研究,我们将综合利用遗传学、生物化学、生物信息学的手段,研究这一问题,并希望把研究成果用于农业生产。


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Yang, H.*, Berry, S. *, Olsson, T., Hartley, M., Howard, M., and Dean, C. (2017) Mechanistically distinct phases of Polycomb silencing to hold memory of cold. Science 357, 1142-1145. (* Co-first authors). 2. Yang, H., Howard, M., and Dean, C. Physical coupling of activation and de-repression activities to maintain an active transcriptional state at FLC. PNAS 113, 9369-74. 3. Wu, Z., Ietswaart, R., Liu, F., Yang, H., Howard, M., and Dean, C. (2016). Quantitative regulation of FLC via coordinated transcriptional initiation and elongation. PNAS 113, 218-223. 4. Angel, A., Song, J., Yang, H., Questa, J.I., Dean, C., and Howard, M. (2015). Vernalizing cold is registered digitally at FLC. PNAS 112, 4146-4151. 5. Yang, H., Howard, M., and Dean, C. (2014). Antagonistic roles for H3K36me3 and H3K27me3 in the cold-induced epigenetic switch at Arabidopsis FLC. Curr Biol 24, 1793-1797. 6. Li, C., Xu, J., Li, J., Li, Q., and Yang, H*. (2014). Involvement of Arabidopsis histone acetyltransferase HAC family genes in the ethylene signaling pathway. Plant Cell Physiol 55, 426-435. (* not corresponding author). 7. Crevillen, P., Yang, H., Cui, X., Greeff, C., Trick, M., Qiu, Q., Cao, X., and Dean, C. (2014). Epigenetic reprogramming that prevents transgenerational inheritance of the vernalized state. Nature 515, 587-590. 8. Yang, H.*, Mo, H.*, Fan, D., Cao, Y., Cui, S., and Ma, L. (2012). Overexpression of a histone H3K4 demethylase, JMJ15, accelerates flowering time in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Rep 31, 1297-1308. (* Co-first authors). 9. Yang, H., Han, Z., Cao, Y., Fan, D., Li, H., Mo, H., Feng, Y., Liu, L., Wang, Z., Yue, Y., et al. (2012). A companion cell-dominant and developmentally regulated H3K4 demethylase controls flowering time in Arabidopsis via the repression of FLC expression. PLoS Genet 8, e1002664. 10. Fan, D., Dai, Y., Wang, X., Wang, Z., He, H., Yang, H., Cao, Y., Deng, X.W., and Ma, L. (2012). IBM1, a JmjC domain-containing histone demethylase, is involved in the regulation of RNA-directed DNA methylation through the epigenetic control of RDR2 and DCL3 expression in Arabidopsis. Nucleic Acids Res 40, 8905-8916. 11. Li, W., Wang, Z., Li, J., Yang, H., Cui, S., Wang, X., and Ma, L. (2011). Overexpression of AtBMI1C, a polycomb group protein gene, accelerates flowering in Arabidopsis. PLoS ONE 6, e21364.
