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学习经历: 1978年09月至1982年07月,浙江农业大学农学系 种子专业,学士 1986年01月至1990年01月,美国康奈尔大学植物科学系 植物生理学,博士 主要工作经历与任职情况: 1989年12月至1991年06月,美国华盛顿大学生物系,博士后 1991年06月至1992年06月,北京大学生物系,博士后 1992年07月至1994年02月,北京大学生命科学学院,副教授 1992年12月至2002年08月,蛋白质工程及植物基因工程国家重点实验室,副主任 1994年07月至今,北京大学生命科学学院,教授、博士生导师 1996年09月至1997年7月,美国加州伯克利大学植物基因表达中心,高级访问学者 2001年09月至今,教育部"长江特聘教授" 2004年01月至今,国家自然科学基金委员会"创新研究群体"召集人 2002年09月至今,北京大学蛋白质与植物基因研究国家重点实验室主任 2014年04月至今,武汉大学生命科学学院教授;武汉大学高等研究院院长




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Li, F.G., Fan, G.Y., Wang, K.B., Sun, F.M., Yuan, Y.L., Song, G.L., Li, Q., Ma, Z.Y., Lu, C.R., Zou, C.S., Chen, W.B., Liang, X.M., Shang, H.H., Liu, W.G., Shi, C.C., Xiao, G.H., Gou, C.Y., Ye, W.W., Xu, X., Zhang, X.Y., Wei, H.L., Li, Z.F., Zhang, G.Y., Wang, J.Y., Liu, K. Kohel, R.J., Percy, R.G., Yu, J.Z., Zhu, Y.X*, Wang, J*. Yu, S.X*.. Genome sequence of the cultivated cotton Gossypium arboretum. Nature Genetics (2014) doi:10.1038/ng.2987 2. Li, Q., Xiao, G. H., and Zhu, Y. X.* Single-nucleotide resolution mapping of the Gossypium raimondii transcriptome reveals a new mechanism for alternative splicing of introns. Molecular Plant 7 (2014), 829-840. 3. Wang, K. B., Wang, Z. W., Li, F. G., Ye, W. W., Wang, J. Y., Song, G. L., Yue, Z., Cong, L., Shang, H. H., Zhu, S. L., Zou, C. S., Li, Q., Yuan, Y. L., Lu, C. R., Wei, H. L., Gou, C. Y., Zheng, Z. Q., Yin, Y., Zhang, X. Y., Liu, K., Wang, B., Song, C., Shi, N., Kohel, R. J., Percy, R. G., Yu, J. Z., Zhu, Y. X.*, Wang, J*. and Yu, S. X*. The draft genome of a diploid cotton Gossypium raimondii. Nature Genetics 44 (2012), 1098-1103. 4. Qin, Y. M. and Zhu Y. X.* How cotton fibers elongate: a tale of linear cell-growth mode. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 14 (2011), 106-111. 5. Pang, C.Y., Wang, H., Pang, Y., Xu, C., Jiao, Y., Qin, Y.M., Western, T.L., Yu, S.X. and Zhu, Y.X.* Comparative proteomics indicate that biosynthesis of pectic precursors is important for cotton fiber and Arabidopsis root hair elongation. Molecular Cellular Proteomics, 9 (2010), 2019-2033. 6. Han, P., Li, Q. and Zhu, Y. X.* Mutation of Arabidopsis BARD1 causes meristem defects by failing to confine WUSCHEL expression to the organizing center. Plant Cell 20 (2008), 1482-1493. 7. Qin, Y. M., Hu, C. Y., Pang, Y., Kastaniotis, A. J., Hiltunen, J. K. and Zhu, Y. X.* Saturated very-long-chain fatty acids promote cotton fiber and Arabidopsis cell elongation by activating ethylene biosynthesis. Plant Cell 19 (2007), 3692-3704. 8. Li, H. B., Qin, Y. M., Pang, Y., Song, W. Q. and Zhu, Y. X.* A cotton ascorbate peroxidase modulates the stead-state level of H2O2 during fiber cell development. New Phytol. 175 (2007), 462-471. 9. Qu, L. J. and Zhu, Y. X.* Transcription factor families in Arabidopsis: major progress and outstanding issues for future research. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 9 (2006), 544-549. 10. Shi, Y. H., Zhu, S. W., Mao, X., Feng, J. X., Qin, Y. M., Zhang, L., Cheng, J., Wei, L., Wang, Z. Y. and Zhu, Y. X.* Transcriptome profiling, molecular biological and physiological studies reveal a major role for ethylene in cotton fiber cell elongation. Plant Cell 18 (2006), 651-664. 11. Ji, S. J., Lu, Y. C., Feng, J. X., Wei, G., Li, J., Shi, Y. H., Fu, Q., Liu, D., Luo, J. C. and Zhu, Y. X.* Isolation and analyses of genes preferentially expressed during early cotton fiber development by subtractive PCR and cDNA array. Nucleic Acids Res. 31 (2003), 2534-2543. 12. Zhu, Y. X., Tepperman, J. M., Fairchild, C. and Quail, P. H. Phytochrome B binds with greater apparent affinity than phytochrome A to the basic helix-loop-helix factor PIF3 in a reaction requiring the PAS domain of PIF3. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 97 (2000), 13419-13424.
