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Molecular metal oxides – so-called polyoxometalates (POMs) are promising materials for the use in battery electrodes. POM synthesis by so-called self-assembly gives access to complex molecular aggregates based on simple, often commercial precursors. Chemical modification of the POMs, which are typically based on vanadium-, molybdenum- or tungsten-oxide by incorporation of a wide range of reactive metals enables the performance tuning and battery device optimization. In addition, POM integration into conductive substrates such as nanostructured carbon, metal electrodes or conductive polymers is possible and gives access to molecularly linked POM composites. The topics of the research group are therefore focused on new materials syntheses, electrochemical performance characterization using theory and experiment, as well as developing innovative composite design routes using bottom-up self-assembly reactions including microwave and ultrasonication routes. In-depth analyses – ideally under operating conditions – form the basis for novel, nanostructured composites as next generation battery electrodes for Lithium and Post-Lithium systems.


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he Reactivity and Stability of Polyoxometalate Water Oxidation Electrocatalysts.Gao, D.; Trentin, I.; Schwiedrzik, L.; González, L.; Streb, C.2020. Molecules, 25 (1), Art. Nr.: 157. doi:10.3390/molecules25010157 Top-down synthesis of polyoxometalate-like sub-nanometer molybdenum-oxo clusters as high-performance electrocatalysts.Liu, R.; Cao, K.; Clark, A. H.; Lu, P.; Anjass, M.; Biskupek, J.; Kaiser, U.; Zhang, G.; Streb, C.2020. Chemical science, 11 (4), 1043–1051. doi:10.1039/c9sc05469c Bottom‐up Design of Bimetallic Cobalt–Molybdenum Carbides/Oxides for Overall Water Splitting.Liu, R.; Anjass, M.; Greiner, S.; Liu, S.; Gao, D.; Biskupek, J.; Kaiser, U.; Zhang, G.; Streb, C.2020. Chemistry - a European journal, 26 (18), 4157–4164. doi:10.1002/chem.201905265 Solid-state-stabilization of molecular vanadium oxides for reversible electrochemical charge storage.Greiner, S.; Anjass, M. H.; Fichtner, M.; Streb, C.2020. Inorganic chemistry frontiers, 7 (1), 134–139. doi:10.1039/c9qi01229j Transition‐Metal Oxides/Carbides@Carbon Nanotube Composites as Multifunctional Electrocatalysts for Challenging Oxidations and Reductions.Xing, X.; Liu, R.; Cao, K.; Kaiser, U.; Streb, C.2019. Chemistry - a European journal, 25 (47), 11098–11104. doi:10.1002/chem.201901400 Heterogeneous Catalysis by Polyoxometalates in Metal–Organic Frameworks.Samaniyan, M.; Mirzaei, M.; Khajavian, R.; Eshtiagh-Hosseini, H.; Streb, C.2019. ACS catalysis, 9 (11), 10174–10191. doi:10.1021/acscatal.9b03439 Water Purification and Microplastics Removal Using Magnetic Polyoxometalate-Supported Ionic Liquid Phases (magPOM-SILPs).Misra, A.; Zambrzycki, C.; Kloker, G.; Kotyrba, A.; Anjass, M. H.; Franco Castillo, I.; Mitchell, S. G.; Güttel, R.; Streb, C.2019. Angewandte Chemie / International edition, 59 (4), 1601–1605. doi:10.1002/anie.201912111 Solvent-Controlled Polymerization of Molecular Strontium Vanadate Monomers into 1D Strontium Vanadium Oxide Chains.Schwarz, B.; Dürr, M.; Kastner, K.; Heber, N.; Ivanović-Burmazović, I.; Streb, C.2019. Inorganic chemistry, 58 (17), 11684–11688. doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.9b01665 Modular development of metal oxide/carbon composites for electrochemical energy conversion and storage.Ji, Y.; Ma, Y.; Liu, R.; Ma, Y.; Cao, K.; Kaiser, U.; Varzi, A.; Song, Y.-F.; Passerini, S.; Streb, C.2019. Journal of materials chemistry / A, 7 (21), 13096–13102. doi:10.1039/c9ta03498f Modular Design of Noble-Metal-Free Mixed Metal Oxide Electrocatalysts for Complete Water Splitting.Gao, D.; Liu, R.; Biskupek, J.; Kaiser, U.; Song, Y.-F.; Streb, C.2019. Angewandte Chemie / International edition, 58 (14), 4644–4648. doi:10.1002/anie.201900428 Homogeneous visible light-driven hydrogen evolution by the molecular molybdenum sulfide model [Mo2S12]2-.Rajagopal, A.; Venter, F.; Jacob, T.; Petermann, L.; Rau, S.; Tschierlei, S.; Streb, C.2019. Sustainable energy & fuels, 3 (1), 92–95. doi:10.1039/c8se00346g Composite Metal Oxide-Carbon Nanotube Electrocatalysts for the Oxygen Evolution and Oxygen Reduction Reactions.Luo, W.; Wang, J.; Hu, J.; Ji, Y.; Streb, C.; Song, Y.-F.2018. ChemElectroChem, 5 (19), 2850–2856. doi:10.1002/celc.201800680 Differentiating Molecular and Solid-State Vanadium Oxides as Active Materials in Battery Electrodes.Anjass, M. H.; Deisböck, M.; Greiner, S.; Fichtner, M.; Streb, C.2018. ChemElectroChem, 6 (2), 398–403. doi:10.1002/celc.201801406 Cobalt Disulfide Nanoparticles Embedded in Porous Carbonaceous Micro-Polyhedrons Interlinked by Carbon Nanotubes for Superior Lithium and Sodium Storage.Ma, Y.; Ma, Y.; Bresser, D.; Ji, Y.; Geiger, D.; Kaiser, U.; Streb, C.; Varzi, A.; Passerini, S.2018. ACS nano, 12 (7), 7220–7231. doi:10.1021/acsnano.8b03188 Influence of the doping ratio and the carbon coating content on the electrochemical performance of Co-doped SnO 2 for lithium-ion anodes.Ma, Y.; Ma, Y.; Ulissi, U.; Ji, Y.; Streb, C.; Bresser, D.; Passerini, S.2018. Electrochimica acta, 277, 100–109. doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2018.04.209 Understanding homogeneous hydrogen evolution reactivity and deactivation pathways of molecular molybdenum sulfide catalysts.Dave, M.; Rajagopal, A.; Damm-Ruttensperger, M.; Schwarz, B.; Nägele, F.; Daccache, L.; Fantauzzi, D.; Jacob, T.; Streb, C.2018. Sustainable energy & fuels, 2 (5), 1020–1026. doi:10.1039/C7SE00599G Water decontamination by polyoxometalate-functionalized 3D-printed hierarchical porous devices.Ji, Y.; Ma, Y.; Ma, Y.; Asenbauer, J.; Passerini, S.; Streb, C.2018. Chemical communications, 54 (24), 3018–3021. doi:10.1039/C8CC00821C Enhanced Capacitive Energy Storage in Polyoxometalate-Doped Polypyrrole.Herrmann, S.; Aydemir, N.; Nägele, F.; Fantauzzi, D.; Jacob, T.; Travas-Sejdic, J.; Streb, C.2017. Advanced functional materials, 27 (25), Art. Nr. 1700881. doi:10.1002/adfm.201700881
