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1976年12月出生,2000年中山医科大学本科毕业后一直在中山大学肿瘤防治中心超声科工作,2007年获中山大学临床医学肿瘤学硕士学位,2011年获中山大学临床学肿瘤学博士学位,2009年9月-2010年8月赴新加坡国立癌症中心学习。 为超声科副主任医师,从事肿瘤的超声诊断及介入治疗工作,擅长超声介入诊断及治疗。2013年获国家留学基金委选派(青年骨干教师)至美国MD Anderson癌症中心学习。 学习经历:  1995.09 – 2000.07 中山医科大学,本科;  2004.09 – 2007.07 中山大学,肿瘤学专业,硕士研究生;  2007.09 – 2011.06 中山大学,肿瘤学专业,博士研究生;  2008.08 – 2008.09 香港威尔斯亲王医院,访问学者;  2009.09 – 2010.08 新加坡国立癌症中心,访问学者;  2014.03 – 2015.02 美国MD Anderson癌症中心,访问学者。工作经历:  2000.07 – 2005.12 中山大学肿瘤防治中心,医师;  2006.01 – 2013.12 中山大学肿瘤防治中心,主治医师;  2014.01起 中山大学肿瘤防治中心,副主任医师。




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Ru-Hai Zou, Qi-Jiong Li, Ji-Liang Qiu, Ya-Di Liao, Yun-Fei Yuan and An-Hua Li. A modified radiofrequency ablation approach for treating superficial lymph node metastasis in late-stage cancer patients: a case report. Chinese Journal of Cancer. 2013, April [Epub ahead of print]. 2. Ru-hai Zou, An-hua Li, F Han, et al. Liver hypertrophy and accelerated growth of implanted tumors in nonembolized liver of rabbit after left portal vein embolization. Journal of surgical research. 2012, 178: 255-263. 3. Pin-Zhu Huang, Ji-Liang Qiu, Ji-hong You, Jian Hong, Bin-Kui Li, Kai Zhou, Gui-Hua Chen, Yun-Fei Yuan and Ru-Hai Zou (Corresponding author). Expression and prognostic significance of CIP2A mRNA in hepatocellular carcinoma and nontumoral liver tissues. Biomarkers, 2012, 17(5): 422-429. 4. Qing-an Zeng, Ji-liang Qiu, Ru-hai Zou, et al. Clinical features and outcome of multiple primary malignancies involving hepatocellular carcinoma: A long-term follow-up study. BMC Cancer. 2012, 12: 148. 5. Can-Liang Lu, Ji-Liang Qiu, Pin-Zhu Huang, Ru-Hai Zou, Jian Hong, Bin-Kui Li, Gui-Hua Chen and Yun-Fei Yuan. NADPH oxidase DUOX1 and DUOX2 but not NOX4 are independent predictors in hepatocellular carcinoma after hepatectomy. Tumor Biol. 2011(32):1173–1182. 6. Ji-Liang Qiu, Pin-Zhu Huang, Jing-Hong You, Ru-Hai Zou, Li Wang, Jian Hong, Bin-Kui Li, Kai-Zhou and Yun-Fei Yuan. LIN28 expression and prognostic value in hepatocelluar carcinoma patients who meet the Milan criteria and undergo hepatectomy. Chinese Journal of Cancer. 2012,31(5): 223-232. 7. Ji-Liang Qiu, Deng MG, Wang Li, Ru-Hai Zou, Bin-Kui Li, Yun Zheng, Xiang-Ming Lao, Kai Zhou, Yun-Fei Yuan. Hepatic resection for synchronous hepatic metastasis from gastric cancer. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2013 Jul;39(7):694-700. 8. Xiao-Qing Pei, Long-Zhong Liu, Yong-Hong Xiong, Ru-Hai Zou, Min-Shan Chen, An-Hua Li and Mu-Yan Cai. Quantitative analysis of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography: differentiating focal nodular hyperplasia from hepatocellular carcinoma. Brit J Radiol. 2013 Mar; 86(1023): 20120536. doi: 10.1259/bjr.20120536. [Epub 2013 Feb 7]. 9. Qing-An Zeng, Ji-Liang Qiu, Jian Hong, Yi Li, Sheng-Ping Li, Ru-hai Zou, Pin-Zhu Huang, Bin-Kui Li, Yun Zheng, Xiang-Ming Lao and Yun-Fei Yuan. Hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma patients with macronodular cirrhosis. European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology. 2012, 24(5): 575-582. 10. Ming Shi, Li-Gong Lu, Fang Wan-Qiang, Rong-Ping Guo, Min-Shan Chen, Yong Li, Jun Luo, Li Xu, Ru-Hai Zou, Xiao-Jun Lin, Ya-Qi Zhang. Roles Played by Chemolipiodolization and Embolization in Chemoembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Single-Blind, Randomized Trial. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2012, 105(1):59-68.
