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唐军,肿瘤学博士,中山大学肿瘤医院乳腺科主任医师,科室副主任,博士生导师。广东省杰出青年人才,2018年评为“广州实力中青年医生”。现任中国医促会乳腺癌分会青年委员会副主任委员,中国医促会乳腺疾病分会副秘书长及常委,中国整形美容协会肿瘤整复会常委,中国南方肿瘤临床研究协会乳腺癌专业委员会常委,广东省医师协会乳腺专科分会外科组组长。 1998年6月 大学本科毕业,2004年中山大学肿瘤医院胸部肿瘤外科研究生毕业并留院工作,一直从事乳腺癌临床工作。 2013年5月-2014年12月 到美国全球最大的癌症中心 MD Anderson Cancer Center作访问学者,在Dr Mien-Chie Hung实验室从事乳腺癌基础研究,并随整形科乳腺整形专家Kronowitz学习乳腺癌术后整形与重建。




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1、Pedicled Descending Branch Latissimus Dorsi Mini-flap for Repairing Partial Mastectomy Defect: A New Technique. PRS Global Open, 2018, March, Volume 6 , 通讯作者 2、Survival outcomes of patients with lobular carcinoma in situ who underwent bilateral mastectomy or partial mastectomy.  Eur J Cancer. 2017 Sep;82:6-15. 通讯作者 3、Breast- Conserving Therapy: A Viable Option for Young Women with Early Breast Cancer-Evidence from a Prospective Study. Annals of Surgical Oncology,2014,21(7):2188-2196. 通讯作者 4、Low expression of ULK1 is associated with operable breast cancer progression and is an adverse prognostic marker of survival for patients. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2012,134 (2) :549-60. 第一作者 5、Radiocolloid in Combination with Methylene Dye Localization, Rather Than Wire Localization, is a Preferred Procedure for Excisional Biopsy of Nonpalpable Breast Lesions. Annals Surgical Oncology, 2011,18(1):109-13. 第一作者 6、Suppression of MIM by microRNA-182 activates RhoA and promotes breast cancer metastasis. Oncogene. 2014;33(10):1287-96. 共同第一作者 7、A diterpenoid compound, excisanin A, inhibits the invasive behavior of breast cancer cells by modulating the integrin β1/FAK/ PI3K/AKT/β-catenin signaling. Life Sci. 93 (18- 19):655-63, 2013. 共同第一作者 8、Comparison of Clinical Features and Treatment Outcome of Breast Cancers in Young and Elderly Chinese Patients. Breast Care 2011; 6: 435- 440 . 第一作者 9、Significance of methylene blue dye for localization biopsy of nonpalpable breast lesions . 2009 Jan;28(1):79-81. 第一作者
