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B.A., DePauw University (1988): Chemistry B.A., DePauw University (1988): Computer Science M.S., University of Michigan (1995): Chemistry Ph.D., University of Michigan (1995): Chemistry Advisor: Vincent L .Pecoraro Post Doctoral Research, University of Pennsylvania (1995–99) Advisor: William F. DeGrado


Biophysics and Inorganic Chemistry; Bionanotechnology

The Dieckmann Lab utilizes protein design to engineer new peptide-based materials, bio/nano hybrid systems, and models for more complex biomacromolecules. Projects include: Bionanotechnology: designed biomolecule-based motifs for the noncovalent functionalization of nanomaterials (e.g. carbon nanotubes) Thiolate-rich Zn(II) sites and alkyl transfer: how does protein environment control Zn(II) reactivity


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Samarajeewa, D.R.; Dieckmann, G.R.; Nielsen, S.O.; Musselman, I.H. “Modifying the Electronic Properties of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Using Designed Surfactant Peptides”, Nanoscale (2012) 4: 4544–4554. Chiu, C.-C.; Maher, M.C.; Dieckmann, G.R.; Nielsen, S.O. “Molecular Dynamics Study of a Carbon Nanotube-Binding Reversible Cyclic Peptide”, ACSNano (2010) 4: 2539 – 2546. Becraft, E.J.; Klimenko, A.S.; Dieckmann, G.R. “Influence of Alternating L-/D-Amino Acid Chiralities and Disulfide Bond Geometry on the Capacity of Cysteine-Containing Reversible Cyclic Peptides to Disperse Carbon Nanotubes”, Biopolymers: Pept. Sci. (2009) 92: 212–221. Xie, H.; Becraft, E.J.; Baughman, R.H.; Dalton, A.B.; Dieckmann, G.R. “Ranking the Affinity of Aromatic Residues for Carbon Nanotubes by Using Designed Surfactant Peptides”, J. Pept. Sci. (2008) 14: 139–151. Kou, W.; Kolla, H.S.; Ortiz-Acevedo, A.; Haines, D.C.; Junker, M.; Dieckmann, G.R. “Modulation of Zinc- and Cobalt-binding Affinities through Changes in the Stability of the Zinc Ribbon Protein L36”, J. Biol. Inorg. Chem.(2005) 10: 167–180.
