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工作经历 副教授、助理教授, 厦门大学能源学院,2010.2-至今 访问学者,美国俄亥俄州立大学,2011.5 - 2011.11 助理教授, 厦门大学通讯工程系,2008.7-2010.1 教育经历 博士, 厦门大学,2005.9-2008.7 博士,法国巴黎第十一大学 2006.11 - 2007.11 硕士, 厦门大学,2002.9 - 2005.7


(1). 系统可靠性分析(概率安全评价技术,PSA) (2). 核电系统建模与仿真分析 (3). 应用数学(组合图论)


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

(1). Huifang Miao, Weihua Yang, Strong self-centered orientation of complete k-partite graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 175(2014), PP. 119-125. (2). Huifang Miao*, Xiaofeng Guo, Strong distances in strong oriented complete k-partite graphs. Ars Combinatoria,102(2011),PP. 213-223. (3). Steve Yang, Jun Ding, Huifang Miao*, and Jianxiang Zheng, Effective Software Verification and Validation Approach for Nuclear Power Plant Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, May 17-21, 2010, Xi’an, China, ICONE18-29264. (4). Huifang Miao*, Guoping Lin, Strong orientations of complete k-partite graphs achieving the strong diameter. Information Processing Letters, 110(2010), PP. 206-210. (5). Huifang Miao, Xiaofeng Guo*, Optimal strong (k, d)-orientation of complete k-partite graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 157(2009), PP.1729-1736. (6). L. Liu , B. Hu, Huifang Miao, H. Li, L. Li, Q. L. Zhao, Achieving Energy Conservation, Coverage and Connectivity Requirements in Wireless Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops, 2009, PP. 227-232. (7). Hao Li, Huifang Miao*, Li Liu, Lian Li, Heping Zhang. Energy conservation in wireless sensor networks and connectivity of graphs. Theoretical Computer Science, 393(2008), PP.81-89. (8). Huifang Miao, Xiaofeng Guo*, Lower and upper orientable strong radius and strong diameter of complete k-partite graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 154(2006), PP.1606-1614. (9). Huifang Miao, Xiaofeng Guo*, On k-strong distance in strong oriented graphs. J. Mathematical Study, 38(2005), PP. 339-345.
