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2013-to date Chair of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, China 1994-to date School of Electrical and Information Eng, The University of Sydney, Australia: Chair of Electrical Engineering (1994-2002, 2010-2013) Australian Research Council Professorial Fellowship (2011-15) Director of the Centre for Future Energy Networks (2010-2013) Part-time Professor 2002-04. 2013- Head of School of Electrical and Information Engineering, 1996-99 2012-2013 Visiting Chair Professor under Distinguished Scholars Scheme, Polytechnic University of Hong Kong 2010-2012 Senior Principal Researcher, National ICT Australia, Canberra and ATP Laboratories 2010 Professor, College of Engineering and Computer Science, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia and Principal Researcher, National ICT Australia Canberra Laboratory (January-October) 2010 Visiting Fellow, Institute of Advanced Studies, Technical University of Munich (August-September) 2009 Visiting Professor, Laboratoire des Signaux et Syst`emes, Supelec, France (February, May) 2007-2008 Member of College of Experts, MIC Panel (Mathematics, Information and Communication Sciences) for the Australian Research Council 2006-2010 Chief Investigator and Theme Leader in the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Mathematics and Statistics of Complex Systems; Deputy Director 2007-2008 2005-2010 Australian Research Council Federation Fellow, Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering, The Australian National University 2003-2005 Guest Professor, Department of Control Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China. 2001-2005 Eminent Visiting Professor, 2001; Chair Professor, 2001-2005; Head of Department, 2001-2004; Department of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong. 1991-1993 Pacific Power Chair, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Newcastle.




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Y.Xia and D.J.Hill, “Dynamic Braess’s paradox in complex communication networks, “IEEE Trans CAS-II, Vol.60, No.3, March 2013, pp.172-176. S-L.Tan, J-H.Lu, X-H.Yu and D.J.Hill, “Evolution and maintenance of cooperation via inheritance of spatial neighbourhood,” Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol.58, 2013. (Invited paper.) C.Dou, B.Liu and D.J.Hill, “Hybrid control for high-penetration distribution grid based on operational mode conversion,” IET GTD, Vol. 7, No.7, July 2013, p.700-708. W.Dib, R.Ortega and D.J.Hill, “Transient stability enhancement of multi-machine power systems: synchronization via immersion of a pendular system,”Asian Journal of Control, Vol.15. No.4, pp1-9, October2013. Y.Chen, J.Lu, X.Yu and D.J.Hill, “Multi-agent systems with dynamical topologies: consensus and applications,” IEEE Trans Circuits and Systems Magazine, Vol.13, 2013, pp.21-34. T-F.Liu, Z-P.Jiang and D.J.Hill, Nonlinear Control of Dynamic Networks, CRC Press Control Engineering Series (Editors: F.Lewis and S. Ge), manuscript submitted, to appear 2014. Y.Y.Dai, G. Chen, Z-Y. Dong, Y.S.Xue, D.J.Hill, “An Improved Framework for Power Grid Vulnerability Analysis Considering Critical System Features,” to appear, Physica A-Statistical Mechanics And Its Applications. B.Liu and D.J.Hill, “Stability via hybrid-event-time Lyapunov function and impulsive stabilization for discrete-time delayed switched systems,” to appearSIAM J. Control and Optimization. T.Chen, C.Wang and D.J.Hill, “Rapid oscillation fault detection and isolation for distributed systems via deterministic learning,” to appear IEEE Trans Neural Networks and Learning Systems. H.Ma and D.J.Hill, “Adaptive coordinated voltage control - Part I: Basic scheme,” to appear IEEE Trans Power Systems. H.Ma and D.J.Hill, “Adaptive coordinated voltage control - Part II: Use of learning for rapid response,” to appear IEEE Trans Power Systems. J.Ma, X.Ma, Z-Y.Dong and D.J.Hill, ”Input Sensitivity Analysis for Power System Dynamics via Transfer Function Matrix,” to appear IEEE Trans Power Systems. E.Hancock and D.J.Hill, “Restricted partial stability and synchronisation,” to appear IEEE Trans Circuits and Systems-I. 2012 T.Liu, Z.-P.Jiang and D.J.Hill, A sector bound approach to feedback control of nonlinear systems with state quantization, Automatica, Vol.48, No.1, pp.145-152, January, 2012. T.Liu, D.J.Hill and Z-P.Jiang, “Lyapunov formulation of the large-scale, ISS cyclic-small-gain theorem: the discrete-time case,” Systems and Control Letters, Vol.61, No.1, 2012, pp.266-272.
