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1999年青岛大学医学院儿科系本科毕业,2003年获青岛大学医学院营养学硕士学位,2006年获中国疾病预防控制中心营养学博士学位。2005.1 - 2005.4 美国Tufts大学老年营养研究中心,访问学者。2005.12 – 2006.12获得瑞士雀巢营养奖学金资助,美国Tufts大学老年营养研究中心,访问学者。2006.12 – 2007.12  美国Tufts大学老年营养研究中心,博士后。2007.12 – 2010.3 青岛大学医学院公共卫生系毒理学教研室,讲师。2010.3 – 2010. 9 美国Tufts大学老年营养研究中心,访问学者。2010.11至今厦门大学公共卫生学院预防医学系,副教授。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1、Li L, J LL, Zeng Y, Liu G. Toxicity of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles: research strategies and implications for nanomedicine. Chinese Physics B. 2013, 22(12):127502. 2、Li L, Chen C-YO, Chun H-K, Cho S-M, Park K-M, Lee-Kim YC, Blumberg JB, Russell RM, Yeum K-J.A fluorometric assay to determine antioxidant activity of both hydrophilic and lipophilic components in plant foods. J Nutritional Biochemistry, 2009;20(3):219-226. 3、Li L, Aldini G, Carini M, Chen C-YO, Chun H-K, Cho S-M, Park K-M, Correa CR, Russell RM, Blumbert JB, Yeum K-J.Characterization, extraction efficiency, stability and antioxidant activity of phytonutrients in Angelica keiskei. Food Chemistry, 2009;115:227-232. 4、Li L, Duker JS, Yoshida Y, Niki E, Russell RM, Yeum K-J. Oxidative stress and antioxidant status in older adults with early cataract. Eye, 2009; 23(6):1464-1468. 5、Lei Li, Jian Qin, Shi-an Yin, Guangwen Tang. Effects of mobile phase ratios on the separation of plant carotenoids by HPLC with a C30 column. Chromotographia, 2007; 65:91-94. 6、Camila R. Correa, Lei Li, Giancarlo Aldini, Marina Carini, C.-Y. Oliver Chen, Hye-Kyung Chun, Soo-Muk Cho, Ki-Moon Park, Robert M. Russell f, Jeffrey B. Blumberg, Kyung-Jin Yeum. Composition and stability of phytochemicals in five varieties of black soybeans (Glycine max). Food Chemistry 2010,123:1176-1184.. 7、Wang J, Wang Y, Wang Z, Li L, Qin J, Lai W, Fu Y, Suter PM, Russell RM, Grusak MA, Tang G, Yin S. Vitamin A equivalence of spirulina β-carotene in Chinese adults as assessed by using a stable-isotope reference method. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2008; 87(6):1730-1737.
