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2013年2月博士毕业于韩国成均馆大学纳米科技学院(导师:Seunghyun Baik教授),随后在该校能源科学学院与基础科学研究院从事博士后研究员的工作,并于2015年4月加入美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)Qibing Pei教授课题组继续从事博士后研究员的工作。2018年9月加入南开大学材料科学与工程学院(教授、博导)。近年来在Science, Chemical Society Reviews, Advanced Materials, Nano Letters与ACS nano等国际著名期刊发表论文十余篇;授权美国与韩国专利5项。


1.柔性固态制冷材料的研制及其器件的制备 2.高性能柔性导热复合材料的设计与研制 3.多功能柔性传感器的设计与研制 4.可拉伸导电纤维的合成及应用 5.双稳态记忆性复合材料的研制与应用 6.柔性3D打印电路的研制与应用


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Rujun Ma, Ziyang Zhang, Kwing Tong, David Huber, Roy Kornbluh, Yongho Sungtaek Ju and Qibing Pei*, “Highly Efficient Electrocaloric Cooling with Electrostatic Actuation”, Science, 357, 1130–1134 (2017) Rujun Ma*,Shu-Yu Chou, Yu Xie and Qibing Pei*, “Morphological/Nanostructural Controls Toward Intrinsically Stretchable Organic Electronics”, Chemical Society Reviews, DOI: 10.1039/C8CS00834E (2019) Rujun Ma, Mini Mol Menamparambath, Qing Pavel Nikolaev, and Seunghyun Baik*, “Transparent stretchable single-walled carbon nanotube-polymer composite films with near-infrared fluorescence”, Advanced Materials, 25, 2548-2553 (2013) Rujun Ma, Seoyoung Kwon, Qing Zheng, HyeokYong Kwon, Jae Il Kim, Hyouk Ryeol Choi, and Seunghyun Baik*, “Carbon-nanotube/silver networks in nitrile butadiene rubber for highly conductive flexible adhesives”, Advanced Materials, 24, 3344-3349 (2012) Rujun Ma, Jiyong Lee, Dongmin Choi, Hyungpil Moon, and Seunghyun Baik*, “Knitted fabrics made from highly conductive stretchable fibers”, Nano Letters, 14, 1944-1951 (2014) Rujun Ma, Byeongguk Kang, Suik Cho, Minjun Choi, and Seunghyun Baik*, “Extraordinary high conductivity and strength of stretchable fibers of polyurethane and silver nanoflowers”, ACS Nano, 9, 10876-10886 (2015)
