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Dr. Ryan’s practice site is the Neurology Ambulatory Care Clinic at the Lexington Veteran Affairs Medical Center. She teaches neurology and international topics. She also precepts Pharm.D. students, pharmacy practice residents and psychiatry specialty residents in the neurology ambulatory care and neurology in-patient services. Dr. Ryan is the director of international professional student education for the College of Pharmacy.


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Ryan Melody. (2017). Ocrelizumab (Ocrevus) Approved for Relapsing or Primary Progressive Forms of Multiple Sclerosis. McGraw-Hill, Mitchell Trenika R, Ryan Melody. (2017). An enhanced appreciation of cultural competency: Get off your island! . Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, 57, 294-5. Ryan Melody, Ryan Stephen J, Fagan Susan J. (2016). Evaluation of Neurologic Illness . McGraw-Hill, Ryan Melody. (2016). Neurology. American College of Clinical Pharmacy, Ryan Melody. (2016). Multiple Sclerosis. McGraw-Hill, Ryan Melody. (2016). Report of the President, American Pharmacists Association Academy of Pharmaceutical Research and Science (APhA-APRS). Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, 56, 116-119. Ryan Melody. (2016). Depression in Parkinson's Disease: Pharmacists' Key Role in Improving Outcomes. Power-Pak CE activity, Dornblaser E K, Ratka A, Gleason S E, Ombengi D N, Tofade T, Wigle P R, Zapantis A, Ryan Melody, Connor S, Jonkman L J, Jungnickel P W, Abrons J P, Alsharif N Z. (2016). AACP White Paper Global/International Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (G/I APPEs) Part 2: Preceptor and Student Considerations. American Journal of Pharmacy Education, 80, Article 39. Pan Alice, Ryan Melody, Cain Jeffrey John. (2015). A student’s perspective of learning in a global classroom course. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 7(4), 551-555.
